Photo Credit: Wissam Nassar / FLASH90
Tens of thousands attended a mass rally to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the Islamic movement Hamas in Gaza City.

The spoils of war normally go to the victor. In 1848, the U.S. captured much of its western territory (including California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah) from Mexico in the Mexican-American war. Sometimes — as with Southern Lebanon, Gaza, or the 1938 Munich Agreement transferring the Sudetenland to the Nazis — land-for-peace turns out to be an illusory promise that only encourages military aggression.

Why is Obama so convinced that Israelis will now get land-for-peace instead of land-for-war?


Originally published at The American Thinker.

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Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic submarine thriller about Iranian nukes, Hamas, and Hezbollah. To buy the book on Amazon, go to: