“What is hateful to thyself do not do to another. That is the whole Torah [Law], the rest is Commentary.”
Hillel the Elder
When Bill Clinton presided over Arafat and Rabin shaking hands on the White House Lawn to commemorate the Declaration of Principles, the era of moral relativism between Israel and the neighbors that want to kill them was born. This is how we arrived at this place of the twisted perversion of justice and psychological warfare being perpetrated on Israeli Society today with the release of convicted murderers from Israeli prisons, prompted by the US, represented by John Kerry.
This act of thrusting convicted killers back onto the streets of Israel, bringing with it psychological abuse and untold damage from future crimes is an abhorrent and immoral act, something the US government would never do to their own population. I would argue that is not only inhumane but illegal. The well being and safety of a country must trump the whims of a foreign government’s desires to force an agenda upon another
sovereign nation.
This heinous act of forcing Israel to unleash brutal, convicted, unrepentant murderers back into society is not even within the spirit of Oslo from which all this focus and obsession for creating a Palestinian state sprang from. One could even assert that the US wants a state more than the Palestinian’s do.
Abbas’ mandate as leader of the PA ran out in 2009 and he has not held an election since, would that not mean that anything he negotiates has no legal basis to it? By not being held to a rule of law, the US is not treating them as a serious entity. This decision to release killers back into Israeli society is based on lawlessness; thwarting the legal system in Israel and making negotiations with a PA entity that does not have a
mandate to govern. Additionally, let us not forget that the PA and Abbas are a direct link back to Hitler via Arafat and the grand mufti Husseini who was a collaborator with Hitler to exterminate Jews in British Mandated Palestine.
This lawless act by Barry and Kerry has wider and more sinister implications. It is a deconstruction of western values and structure. It seeks to dismantle the rule of law, due process and adherence to a level of morality that would seek to protect citizenry from murderers and not subject them to this danger. By forcing their will upon Israel, dismissing the rule of law, morals and decency Barry and Kerry are operating out of immoral lawlessness.
“Lawless are they that make their wills their law.” William Shakespeare