Perhaps nature would force me to curl up into a cocoon until I was ready to emerge from my chrysalis-stage into an almost unrecognizable new being. But it’s been several days and I’ve yet to make such a drastic transformation. It’s clear I’m still the same person I’ve always been.

The only real difference is that I have a new mailing address which, unjustifiably, makes many people uncomfortable.

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Joshua Hasten is the International Spokesperson for Gush Etzion. He hosts the weekly “Israel Uncensored” radio broadcast on The Land of Israel Network, and is an international Middle East Correspondent in print and on television. Joshua is also a sought-after speaker around the world. His workshops and lectures on pro-Israel advocacy have impacted thousands. Joshua was the CAMERA organization’s 2009 Letter Writer of the Year, and is a member of the Judea and Samaria Speaker’s Bureau. Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana, he resides in Elazar, Israel.