On September 17, 1946, approximately 430 Holocaust survivors set sail from Formia, Italy, on a decommissioned World War II-era landing craft, originally known as “HMS LCT 147.” For years, they had dreamed of the Land of Israel, and now, at long last, they were on their way.

Conditions aboard the dilapidated, overcrowded ship, which had been used by the Allied forces in North Africa, were appalling, and the passengers were well aware that it was unlikely that they would actually reach their destination. The British – in clear violation of their League of Nations mandate to promote “a national home for the Jewish people” in the Land of Israel – were intercepting all so-called Aliyah Bet vessels and sending the beleaguered passengers to internment camps in Cyprus or back to blood-soaked Europe.


But the Ma’apalim (the would-be pre-State immigrants) were undeterred. In a show of defiance, they renamed their ship: “Af Al Pi Chen” (literally, “nevertheless, yes”) – a poignant reflection of their extraordinary vision and irrepressible spirit.

In spite of all they had suffered and endured, they held on to their hope and resilience.

In spite of all they had lost, they were determined to rebuild.

And in spite of the unknown and myriad hurdles that lay ahead, they continued to yearn for the Land that Hashem had promised to their forefathers.

They were sustained by their steadfast belief that Am Yisrael belongs in Eretz Yisrael and that Eretz Yisrael belongs to Am Yisrael, and whether they knew it or not, they were echoing Yehoshua and Kalev’s entreaty from millennia earlier.

Succumbing to despair, ten of the Spies had convinced the demoralized nation that the inherent challenges of conquering and settling the Land were insurmountable.

But Yehoshua and Kalev saw things differently. They didn’t try to minimize the difficulties – in fact, they didn’t even address them.

Instead, Yehoshua and Kalev insisted, “We shall surely go up and take possession of it, for we can surely overcome it… The land is very, very good. If Hashem desires us, He will bring us to this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey” (Bamidbar 13-14).

Sadly, however, the members of the Dor HaMidbar (the generation of the wilderness) were too dejected to listen and never made it to Eretz Yisrael. But thousands of years later, their indomitable descendants, the Dor HaTekumah (literally, the generation of the rebirth, i.e. the generation of 1948) – including those who sailed on ships such as the “Af Al Pi Chen” and others – finally heeded Yehoshua and Kalev’s call.

Today, the refurbished “Af Al Pi Chen” is on permanent display at the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum in Haifa, in the sovereign State of Israel. The exhibit serves as a moving tribute to the Ma’apilim’s remarkable faith and fortitude.

But it seems to me that “Af Al Pi Chen” also expresses much of what we’ve been feeling since Simchat Torah.

The challenges and difficulties are immense. We spend our days focused on our beloved soldiers (both the reservists and the standing army), the hostages, the bereaved families, the wounded, and the displaced. We pray, and we do whatever we can to help and support them.

And so many times over these past nearly 11 months, we’ve all become discouraged and overwhelmed by sadness, grief, stress, apprehension, fear, anguish, and more.

But nevertheless…

In spite of all we have suffered and endured, we continue to be thankful to HaKadosh Baruch Hu (the Holy One, Blessed Be He) – and His countless emissaries (especially the IDF) – for all the goodness and lovingkindness He has bestowed upon us.


In spite of all we have lost, we recognize how blessed we are to be part of the Am HaYosheiv B’Tzion (the nation that dwells in Zion), and there is no other place where we would rather be living than here in Israel – now more than ever.

And in spite of the unknown and myriad hurdles that lie ahead, we beseech you, our dear family and friends in the Diaspora, to join us, and we look forward to welcoming you to our “very, very good” Land.

May we soon be privileged to experience the final Geulah (Redemption), and may our eyes soon behold Hashem’s return to Tzion with mercy – speedily and in our days.

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Ariella (Taragin) Gold is a Hebrew-English translator and a proud mother of several IDF reservists. She and her husband Yosef made aliyah from New Jersey over 25 years ago.