Open your eyes, deluded Jews of the Left. Oslo was a sin against The Almighty and the Jewish people. If one chooses to remember Rabin, he should know the authentic story of Rabin’s life. Not the Rabin mythos that turned him into a god for the Godless. Rabin is no hero. Not for any self-respecting G-d-fearing Jew who doesn’t venerate the legacy of Mapai. Only clueless Jews revere the memory of one who brought death and misery to the Jews of the Altalena and the Jewish people with Oslo. Thanks to Rabin, Peres, Beilin and the rest of the “mixed multitude,” the PLO is armed and waiting right at our doorstep. Worse still, the Left deem them to be moderates. I shed no tears for Rabin. I shed tears for the victims of Oslo past, present, and future. And I scream for the blood of the Arabs who seek to exterminate us.
Photo Credit: public domain