The Europeans and Americans refuse to understand the dynamic within the Palestinian world, and the result is that “peace” is not getting any closer.
After World War 2, Rolls Royce was given permission by the British Labour government to sell jet engines to the Soviet Union. The thinking was commercial: the British and USSR had been allies just years before, and the Soviets could use the jet engines for future commercial airliners while the British needed the money. The Americans met the Soviet copycat engines in the form of MIG 15’s over the skies of Korea as the MIGs shot down American fighters and B-29 bombers. The British let themselves get played by the Soviets, and the Americans paid the price.
One wonders if our modern politicians are stupid or deceitful. There is a basic misconception in the West as to what goes on within Palestinian society, and it is an extremely dangerous misunderstanding for Israelis. Let me ask if you have seen anyone in the massive antisemitic protests denouncing Hamas and supporting the Palestinian Authority? Did you know that the Palestinian Authority never condemned Hamas’ actions on 10/7 and actually pays salaries to the terrorists who committed the pogrom? You probably heard the statistic that 72% of Palestinians support what Hamas did in raping, burning, beheading, and kidnapping Jewish civilians and soldiers. No one outside of Western talking heads speaks of “two states”, not Hamas and not even the Palestinian Authority. But for the West, it’s a mantra. It’s the only thing they’ve got.
When one listens to European politicians who are threatening to force Israel into accepting a Palestinian state, you realize that these folks do not understand the first thing about Palestinian society. They speak with apparent authority in the European Parliament or on the stage at Davos. But if you listen to them, you realize that whatever is north of the nose appears to be empty. The Europeans—and the Biden State Department—are trying to sell us a story in which the wholesome Palestinian society has been commandeered by Hamas and its jihadi co-conspirators. According to their telling, the Palestinians are a wonderful, warmhearted, peace-loving people whose society has been hijacked by Hamas. One can see it in their pronouncements which demand the removal of Hamas—which actually sounds really good to the ear until you realize that they think that Hamas is something that was forced upon the Palestinians rather than a tool chosen by the people themselves to get rid of Israel and the Jews. But they think that if they remove Hamas, then the remaining mass will be ready to make peace with Israel. But there is nothing to suggest that this is true.
During World War 2, the allies correctly equated the German people with the Nazi party and the Japanese citizenry with Tojo and his war machine. By doing so, they simply accepted the massive loss of enemy life in air raids and eventually the atomic bombs. The citizens were part of the problem and once the problem was gone, the allies could impose a solution. The same is exactly true with the Palestinians but the nitpicking Western leaders will not let Israel fight a proper war because somehow these citizens—identical to their German and Japanese predecessors—are from a protected class. Three Israeli officers and twenty-one reservists were killed in the past two days as Israel has to be extra careful not to harm Palestinian civilians to please Western fantasies. The 21 soldiers were killed when an RPG hit a house being rigged with explosives for demolition.
The long and short of the Palestinians is that they hate the Jews for returning to their homeland and for being successful. Whether it be the Palestinian Authority or Hamas or Islamic Jihad or the Palestinian citizenry, their goal is to get rid of Israel and its Jewish population. Palestinians are more than willing to come into Israel to make money. Who provided the terrorists with all of the detailed maps and information on the 20 communities that were overrun on 10/7? One terrorist interviewed by the Shabak (Israel’s internal security apparatus) said that they had all of the details of a yeshiva (male seminary) in the town of Netivot: prayer times, meal times, number of students on that Saturday (1,000). In what can only be described as one of many miracles of that day, the terrorist said that they saw the building in flames and decided to move on to another target. There was no fire and nobody in the school was harmed. The information on the place no doubt came from a cook or cleaner who went home to Gaza every night and gave Hamas exactly what they asked for as to target details.
Palestinians are Hamas and Hamas is the Palestinians. Please go back and watch the videos of the wild crowds welcoming the murderers with the dead, dying or raped prisoners. They are ecstatic. “We stuck it to the Yehud”—we killed them and violated them, and we tortured them. If the Palestinians were really opposed to Hamas, they would have beaten the terrorists when they came back. And please note, many of those taken to Gaza were taken by Palestinian citizens who made the last wave of barbarians coming through the fence and into Israel to rape, murder, steal, and kidnap. There are plenty of CCTV videos of civilians taking part in the barbaric attack on that bloody day.
So there is no daylight between the Palestinian people and their jihadist organizations. The former wants the latter to succeed. But our nudnik negotiators think that if they could only get rid of Hamas, then the Palestinians could express their real inner voice and make peace and sing Kumbaya with the Jews. These highly-educated and well-paid diplomats are fools and simply ignore everything that the Palestinians say and do. The Palestinians do not want peace. They want Israel to disappear and have no intermediary position on the subject. They are not interested in a smaller Israel—their hatred of the Jews is total and they want the Jews gone. And one sees the same thing with the protesters in the West: from the river to the sea leaves zero room for a Jewish state of Israel. Do you see anyone in those big crowds calling for two states and mutual respect?
Don’t push Israel to make a suicidal peace. Let Israel win. It will benefit not only this small country but all of the West as well.