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United Nations Security Council
Proposed Resolution (2014)
Presented by the Government of Israel
The Security Council,
Recalling the struggle of national independence movements against occupation forces,
Recognizing the infringement of the rights of the nationals of those national independence movements by occupation forces,
Acting under the Charter of the United Nations
- Grants national recognition to Palestine, Tibet, Chechnya, Baluchia, Hawaii, Northern Ireland, Brittany, Catalonia and the Basque Territory.
- Declares that Palestine, due to their national struggle and recently created national identity, shall be granted national recognition and independence from Israel.
- Declares that Tibet, due to their national struggle and unprovoked occupation by Chinese forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from China.
- Declares that Chechnya, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by Russian and Soviet forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from Russia.
- Declares that Hawaii, due to their conquest by United States corporate interests, shall be granted national recognition and independence from United States. President Barack Obama, due to his being born in said independent state, will not be considered a citizen of the United States under international law.
- Declares that Baluchia, due to their national struggle and oppression by Iranian forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from Iran.
- Declares that Northern Ireland, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by English and British forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from the United Kingdom.
- Declares that Brittany and Corsica, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by French forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from France.
- Declares that Catalonia, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by Spanish forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from Spain.
- Declares that Basque Country, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by Spanish forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence from Spain.
- Declares that the people of Lapland, due to their national struggle and centuries of oppression by Swedish, Norwegian and Danish forces, shall be granted national recognition and independence.
- Decides that national minorities whose national identity is associated with other nations shall continue as legal residents. Their children shall be granted similar status. Acts of violence, organized, sponsored or supported by the new national governments may be considered acts of war by the nations those individuals are citizens of. The new national governments, and/or any other government, may choose to grant citizenship to these minorities.
- Decides that the new nations must maintain peaceful relations with other nations.
- Decides that all holy sites recognized by existing religions within those territories be open to all said religions for worship and prayer.
- Declares that infractions of articles 12, 13 or 14 may be determined to be acts of war under international law with appropriate remedies available to other nations – including former occupying powers.