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I also want to draw the attention of every New Yorker to the referendums that are on the ballot in New York State. The third referendum is the Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014, which has the potential to provide tens of millions of dollars to our yeshivas and Jewish day schools for technology equipment and upgrades.

While discussions are ongoing about how the funding, if approved, will be appropriated and allocated, one thing is certain: if the referendum is not passed, no yeshiva or Jewish day school will receive any of it. We at the Orthodox Union Advocacy Centerworked tirelessly to ensure that non-public schools would be included in the funding. Now it’s your turn to take us across the finish line by voting YES for this important referendum.


Carpe Diem. Seize the moment and vote to benefit your community. If you live in New York, make sure to vote yes for the Smart Schools Bond Act. If you live elsewhere in the U.S., please make sure that you go out to vote too. Your voice needs to be heard.

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Jeff Leb is the New York State director of political affairs for the Orthodox Union and the OU-Teach NYS Initiative.