Photo Credit: Biden campaign's Facebook page.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Far too many people choose a political party much like a fan selects a sports team – and then blindly support that party for the rest of their lives. Such is the case with many in the Jewish community.

Countless working-class Jewish families in the 1950s and ‘60s were staunch supporters of the Democrat party. And why wouldn’t they be? They grew up learning about Harry Truman’s recognition of Israel and watching the likes of Adlai Stevenson, Lyndon Johnson, and Henry “Scoop” Jackson strongly support Israel. It was a no-brainer to back this party.


But the Democrats of today are not the party of your parents and grandparents, and Joe Biden is certainly no Adlai Stevenson.

Setting aside his 39 years of prevarication in the Senate and eight years as vice president in the most anti-Israel administration, Biden by his own words and deeds clearly doesn’t represent the best interests of the United States or Israel.

Far-left media and pundits describing Biden as a friend of Israel; some of them like to point to a 2019 speech in which Biden said, “The idea that I’d withdraw military aid – as others have suggested – from Israel is bizarre. But the former vice president either has a deteriorating memory or is an outright liar.

On June 22, 1982, then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. During the hearing, Senator Biden became infuriated with Begin over Israel’s settlement policy in Judea and Samaria and slammed his fist on a table, threatening that the U.S. would withhold economic aid to the Jewish state over the issue.

Begin angrily replied, “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work.”

In response, Biden raised his voice and banged twice on the table in front of him.  Begin forcefully admonished him, “Do you think that because the U.S. lends us money it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened.”

So which Biden are we to believe: the one threatening Israel in 1982 or the current incarnation running for president?

Truth be told, Biden is a political hack on steroids, and his record indicates that he is beholden to whichever Democrat faction holds sway at the moment. Currently, it’s the far left comprised of outspoken anti-Semites whose endorsements Biden has had no problem accepting. These are its stars:

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This past August, the radical congresswoman from New York’s 14th district infamously gave an interview and agreed with the host that “what’s going on with Israel and Palestine” is “very, very criminal” and “very, very unjust.” She has also displayed her ignorance of history by comparing temporary detention centers of illegal aliens at the U.S. southern border to Nazi concentration camps.

Biden didn’t seem to mind these statements. He accepted Cortez’s offer to help his campaign and went so far as to name her one of his climate advisers.

  • Ilhan Omar:This congresswoman from Minnesota’s 5th congressional district notoriously talked of “the [Jewish] political influence in this country that says it is OK to push for allegiance to a foreign country [i.e., Israel]” and claimed congressional support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins.”

She has also accused Israel of having hypnotized the world and supports the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. She actually only barely beat out Louis Farrakhan in 2019 as the biggest anti-Semite of the year in an Israeli poll.

  • Rashida Tlaib: Representing the 13th District of Michigan, Tlaib launched her congressional career by displaying a map with Israel renamed as Palestine. She also supports the BDS movement.

Joining these people in their disdain of the Jewish state are two other prominent Muslim American politicians: Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and Indiana Rep. Andre Carson.

Notwithstanding the radicalism among this group, Biden spoke for The Million Muslim Votes Summit earlier this year and said, “I wish we were taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.”

Speaking of faith, without any true knowledge of the events surrounding the shooting of Jacob Blake this past Summer, Biden was quick to castigate law enforcement and do a photo-op with the Blake family. Why he didn’t make an appearance when the lives, businesses, and synagogues of his most loyal supporters – people of the Jewish faith – were attacked during the Fairfax, California riots this past June?

With the stakes so high for America and Israel in the upcoming election, it defies comprehension why a preponderance of Jews would cast their lot with a man and a party that truly doesn’t represent their interests given that it has choice to vote for one who assiduously does.

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Jerrold L. Sobel has an M.A. in International Relations from New York's City College. He is the founder and president of the Zionist Organization of America’s Southwest Florida chapter.