That visceral leaning in the direction of the sound of the muezzin is at the crux of the antipathy between Obama and the Jewish State. It is because of that innate antipathy that Obama will sacrifice Israel for whatever he deems to be the higher purposes of the moment. It is because of this that he will pressure Israel give up land and relent on security arrangements that maintain Israeli forces in the Jordan Valley. That is why, despite pronouncements by the Ayatollah (the likes of which have not been heard since Nazi Germany) who referred to the Jewish State as a rabid dog, it was business as usual with smiles abound in Geneva. This is why Obama’s elephant, who couldn’t wait to inject himself into the Zimmerman affair, did not recoil away from, nor commented about the vitriolic anti-Semitic statements coming from Iran. It is because of this that the Islamic Republic of Iran will end up with a nuclear weapon.
Strategists and war theoreticians, from Sun Tzu to Carl Von Clausewitz, agree that knowing the enemy is a perquisite to winning a war. Somehow under this elephant’s rule it became appropriate for a sitting President to bow to a Saudi king, for American diplomats to be oblivious to rampant Iranian anti-Semitism, and to refer to the Fort Hood terror massacre as a work place violence.
Critique of Islamic jihad has been turned into Islamophobia, and that in turn has become a cardinal sin and social injustice. Politically correct America is obsessed with good Muslims and with Islam being good. Somehow under this Elephant’s rule, despite the on going murderous campaign of global Jihad, it is repeatedly drilled into us that Islam is a religion of peace. Given the same attitude in WW II, we would still be fighting Nazi Germany to this very day. Islam is a set of governing rules, ordained by a war lord, of how to deal with war booty, POW’s, enslaved children, and captured women. It is a set of duties and obligations cloaked in a veil religious mysticism. As long as the West cares more about Islam’s religious rights than about Lady Liberty, the Islamic conquest and world jihad will prevail.