The political leadership in Israel has been defective in the worst way on all these counts since Israeli independence. They rely heavily on the modern necromancers – the soothsayers, pundits, politicians, naysayers and predictors of our times.
Blindly, lemming-like, they follow the view that Jewish and Israeli salvation lies in being attentive and subservient to world opinion and American financial support, and they indeed fear the dire predictions about what the future will hold should such an approach not be taken. They thus reject out of hand the tamim approach and don’t look to God for help, having blithely given away Gaza because of political predictions and calculations just as they currently engage in similar empty negotiations leading nowhere.
Instead of becoming “His portion” and securing the possession and annexation of Gaza and other biblically-mandated territories conquered in defensive wars, they willfully let go of parts of the Land and are ready to continue in this direction – thereby increasing the security risks that many times over.