Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon (GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office, February 4, 2025.

You don’t need a lesson in Star Wars to figure out who the players are. The good guys pursue justice, liberty, and peace. The bad guys celebrate death, war, and destruction. Couldn’t be clearer, right? Apparently not clear enough for the millions of Americans who actually support terrorists.

History has once again shown us that times, people, and societies change. Yet the moral compass of G-d’s laws and His clear distinction between good and evil is clear and never wavers. I have often spoken of the predominant theme of separation that is found within many of the mitzvot. We see a clear demarcation between meat and dairy, Shabbos and chol, wool and linen, gentile and Jew, chametz and matzah.


It’s as if G-d seems to be telling us: “My children, you must remain separate because the world is a subjective, fickle place.”

I had never appreciated this idea of separation until October 7, when I, along with the world, saw the brutal massacre committed by the lowest forms of humanity. Month after month, I stood aghast as evil liberals protested alongside Hamas supporters, and even attacked Jews in several major college universities without shame.

I watched as Joe Biden repeatedly pressured Bibi and threatened Israel (as he did 45 years ago to Menachem Begin).

I watched as the former president never failed to remind everyone of the terrible plight of the innocent Palestinians. Please. That’s like saying, the Holocaust was a horrible thing, but we should also remember the plight of the innocent Germans, who had to step aside while their Jewish neighbors were being thrown into cattle cars.

I watched in shame as Sanders and Schumer played both sides, and more often than not, the wrong one.

I cringed as millions of Jews supported Kamala Harris, who was not only grossly incompetent (she spent nearly $1 billion to lose miserably), but was no friend of Israel, often aligning herself with the Squad. The fact that many of her advisors and supporters hate Jews and had ties to Islamic organizations is astonishing. I’m not even going to discuss her party’s pro-woke, pro-transgender, anti-Torah agendas.

And last week, it finally did.

Our beloved Bibi and President Trump were both unified as one entity sharing one common goal: the destruction of evil. With every order that President Trump signed into law last week, I felt the veil of insanity being lifted. Yes, there is a difference between men and women. Yes, there is a difference between blowing up civilians as opposed to fighting a war against terror. There is a difference between a president who can unabashedly declare: “I love Israel,” as opposed to Kamala’s need to discuss the “genocide” in Gaza.

A marked difference indeed.

Thank you, Hashem, for showing the importance of separating ourselves and being distinct from all other nations. Thank you, Hashem, for saving this country from the toxic danger of an anti-Israel, anti-Torah woke, liberal government.

It is no coincidence that this historic meeting occurred during last week’s parsha, Beshalach, which discusses the Israelites exodus from Egypt. Antisemitism, particularly on the campuses, leave many Jews lost and confused, just as our ancestors felt in Egypt thousands of years ago. Yet just when they thought they were cooked after Pharaoh removed straw from their brick-making, Hashem saved the day and destroyed all of their so-called “deities” ala the Ten Plagues.

Today, 16 months after the massacre, when America was on the verge of being hijacked by a party who overwhelmingly does not support Israel or Torah values, Hashem once again saved us. This time, by giving us a president who would save America from itself, while simultaneously helping America’s greatest ally Israel, along the way.

Even a would-be assassin’s bullet missed the target as G-d decided that Trump should turn at the exact millisecond that he did. Even Trump’s arrest mug shot couldn’t stop the inevitable.

Hashem continues his miracles daily by empowering and blessing the unbelievable IDF, successfully targeting and killing many of Hamas’s top leaders with laser sharp precision.

Yes, the gauntlet has been thrown indeed. Our job? To understand that because we are holy, and that there is a deep line that distinguishes us from the secular world, just as the purity and value of gold increases once it is separated from the impurities. Let us remain separate and steadfast in our service to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and receive the Divine protection we so desperately need.

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Avi Ciment lectures throughout the world and has published his second book, “Real Questions Real Answers.” He can be reached at