Nancy Pelosi, who would become speaker of the House, has reportedly cut a deal with the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) involving the House Intelligence Committee. With a Democratic victory, the chairmanship would normally fall to congresswoman Jane Harman of California as the ranking Democrat. Instead, Pelosi hopes to curry favor with the CBC by skipping Harman and rewarding the chair to Florida Congressman Alcee Hastings.

Hastings was formerly a federal judge but was impeached and convicted 18 years ago on charges of extortion, perjury and falsifying documents. Do we want someone with that background to be the head of one of the most sensitive committees in the House, particularly in an age of terror? The intelligence services of America and Israel have close working relationships. Will Hastings try to disrupt these relationships? Certainly the Congressional Black Caucus has, in general, been less than supportive of the U.S.-Israel relationship.


As noted above, Nancy Pelosi may very well become the next speaker of the House and exercise vast powers of control over the proceedings there. While she’s generally a supporter of the American-Israeli friendship, her San Francisco district is a hotbed of anti-Israel agitation. Many protests in her district feature signs that mar the beauty of her city with imagery reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Has she denounced these protests? Has she disciplined the members of her party who have expressed sentiments redolent of anti-Semitism? The answer, on both counts, is No.

Recently Pelosi’s own stance on U.S.-Israel relations has shown signs of weakening. Two months ago she refused to support a resolution expressing support for Israel because she wanted to attach language asking Israel to limit civilian casualties – a nod to extremists in her party who accuse Israel of wantonly killing civilians. Does Israel need to be scolded over the issue of protecting civilians when it has clearly lost its own children in trying to do so?

The loyalty American Jews have shown to the Democratic Party is increasingly unappreciated or unreciprocated. As the Jewish population faces demographic decline, the Democratic Party is increasingly beholden to groups for which Israel is of no import. Several groups that form the core of the Democratic Party have anti-Semitism rates higher than those of the American population as a whole.

Conversely, the Republican Party has never been more welcoming to Jews nor as supportive of Israel. The party has welcomed an increasing number of Jews to its ranks and its candidates enjoy an increasing level of support from Jewish voters. While Democrats demagogue the rise of evangelicals in America (and in the Republican Party) and demonize them as a threat to Jews, such mythmaking does not reflect the fact that evangelicals cherish the Jewish people, for reasons having absolutely nothing to do with an End-of-Days scenario.

Indeed, Jews have assumed leadership posts in the Republican Party. While Democratic National Committee head Howard Dean is photographed as he joyously dances with a kaffiyah draped over his shoulders, Republican National Chairman Ken Mehlman waxes nostalgically and publicly about his bar mitzvah.

Jews have faced many challenges throughout their history. Iran is one of the most dangerous enemies Israel has ever had: an oil-rich nation with an active nuclear program that has made clear its intention to wipe Israel off the map. A Democratic Party increasingly dominated by anti-Israel politicians and constituents, as demonstrated by surveys and Congressional votes, will not be a dependable ally.

In an era when over half the world’s Jews face the prospect of annihilation, it is time to reconsider old habits and political alignments. The ability of Jews to survive over the ages has depended on the ability to recognize that situations change and people have to adapt. At times, such changes have compelled Jews to move on to “greener pastures” – to more welcoming and supportive places. This is now such a time – a time for Jews to reconsider the other side of the aisle.

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