A great human tragedy is taking place before our eyes, yet few can see it.

A singles event in Jerusalem, co-sponsored by no fewer than five groups or organizations, advertised the following:


“Ask yourself this question: Do you really want to get married? If the answer is NO, then carry on having a good time going to all those parties, Shabbat meals, lectures, supermarket aisles . If the answer is YES, then we’ll see you at the MEGA EVENT.”

A series of singles events in Jerusalem co-sponsored by three organizations advertised the following “description” of the program: “Mifgash BaMerkaz aims to bring singles together for activities that will enhance social interaction in a relaxed atmosphere.”

A singles event organized by the Young Israel of Teaneck and Yeshiva University advertised the following: “Find-Your-Bashert Extravaganza! Meet your bashert while dining on a great meal, being enlightened by an inspirational speaker, and enjoying an innovative speed dating session. Additionally, meet amazing and very dedicated matchmakers. You never know what might happen, so come and join us!”

These advertisements are highly representative of the norm for singles events, not carefully selected exceptions. What they have in common is they degrade the singles they are ostensibly trying to help, in ways both overt and subtle.

The first advertisement hardly requires a probing analysis to uncover an astonishingly condescending attitude toward singles. I will therefore spend no more time on it, other than to wonder how those who harbor such an attitude toward a group of people can possibly be of service to them, and to wonder how it can be that all the combined brainpower and resources in these organizations could come up with nothing better than an insult to singles.

The second advertisement offers absolutely no information as to what the actual program will be. In so doing it essentially says the following to singles: “We know you are desperate, and it really makes no difference what the program will be so long as there are live bodies in the room. You don’t care about anything else, so we don’t have to bother dignifying you with even minimal information. Besides, we know what’s best for you, anyway.”

The third advertisement commits this same offense by failing to even identify the speaker or the topic of the speech. Has a shul or university ever advertised a non-singles event without identifying the speaker or the nature of the talk? Would they expect people to sign up and pay money for such a program, or to take it seriously enough to even inquire for more information? Would someone promote a concert without identifying who would be playing or even the type of music that would be played? Of course not!

Yet singles are held in such disregard that this sort of thing is actually quite common when it comes to singles events. “We’ll have some speaker, and he’ll be terrific. Come and you’ll have a great time.”

This advertisement commits another grave offense that is quite common in the world of singles events: “Meet your bashert.” This doesn’t come with a money-back guarantee, nor do they justify their expectation that many or all of those who come will be so fortunate to find a soulmate in the same room. It is simply a form of advertising that needlessly preys on the hopes and fears of singles, driving a knife through the scar tissue of years of unfulfilled hopes and wounded self-esteem.

There is an implicit message here as well: “We have organized a great program where all the successful people will meet their bashert. If you come and aren’t so fortunate, the problem must be with you. You must be a loser.”

Singles have been so degraded that the opportunity to meet matchmakers is presented as something to be excited about. How low we have sunk as a society, how powerless and feeble singles have become, when many singles are more excited to meet matchmakers than to meet one another.

This advertisement further promises “innovative and enjoyable speed dating.” Once again, we are not informed as to what will be innovative or enjoyable about forced small talk with random strangers in a tightly controlled setting – we must go and suffer the very real possibility of creative advertising to find out.

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Rabbi Chananya Weissman is the founder of EndTheMadness and the author of seven books, including "Tovim Ha-Shenayim: A Study of the Role and Nature of Man and Woman." Many of his writings are available at www.chananyaweissman.com. He is also the director and producer of a documentary on the shidduch world, "Single Jewish Male." He can be contacted at [email protected].