Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Friends and relatives mourn at the graves of Yosef Salomon (70), his daughter Haya (46) and son Elad (35), after their funeral, attended by thousands, at the Modiin Cemetery, on July 23, 2017. The Salomon family members were murdered in a stabbing attack by an Arab terrorist who attacked them during their Friday night dinner at their home in the community of Halamish.

Rashida Tlaib’s refusal to visit her grandmother after Israel promptly agreed to Tlaib’s own terms for a humanitarian visit reveals that Tlaib’s grandmother was merely a prop for her to continue bashing Israel.

Meanwhile tens of thousands of Jewish grandchildren will never be able to visit their grandmothers and grandfathers in Israel – because they were slaughtered by Palestinian-Arab terrorists. A few examples:


* In September 2001, a Palestinian-Arab terrorist from Jenin broke into the home of 64-year-old Zvia Pinhas and stabbed Zvia to death in her bed. At the time she was murdered, Zvia had 21 grandchildren whom she would visit every evening. Her grandchildren have spent the past two decades without their beloved grandmother.

* In October 2001, four Palestinian-Arab terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) shot to death 75-year-old Israeli Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze’evi outside his room at the Jerusalem Hyatt Hotel. Minister Ze’evi was a sixth-generation Jerusalemite who had 20 grandchildren when he was murdered. Those grandchildren will never see their grandfather again.

It should be noted that Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s itinerary included a visit to a PFLP front group, the so-called Defense for Children International-Palestine. In other words, Tlaib canceled her visit to her grandmother because she couldn’t also cavort with a front of the terror group that murdered the Ze’evi grandchildren’s grandfather.

* In December 2001, a Palestinian-Arab homicide bomber murdered 15 people on a public bus in Haifa, Israel, including 75-year-old scientist Mark Khotimliansky, who had four grandchildren; 76-year-old Cecilia Kozamin, who had a grandson and was looking forward to the birth of her first great-grandchild; and 73-year-old Leah Strick, a Holocaust survivor who had five grandchildren.

* In January 2002, a Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades Palestinian-Arab terrorist opened fire on innocent Jews waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop, wounding 40 and murdering two, including 79-year-old Sarah Hamburger. Mrs. Hamburger was a seventh-generation Israeli and survivor of the Arabs’ 1929 massacre of Hebron’s Jewish community. At the time she was murdered, Sarah Hamburger had 11 grandchildren and an eight-month-old great-granddaughter and was looking forward to the upcoming weddings of two of her grandchildren. The grandchildren’s days of happiness were shattered by the murder of their beloved grandmother.

* In February 2002, Palestinian-Arab terrorists murdered two Jews in a shooting attack, including 65-year-old grandfather Avraham Fish, while the innocent victims were driving home to celebrate Purim. The Arab terrorists also shot Fish’s daughter Tamara Lipshitz in the abdomen. Tamara was nine months pregnant and was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery to deliver Avraham Fish’s youngest baby granddaughter, who will never see her murdered grandfather.

* In a tragedy within a tragedy, in March 2002, a Palestinian-Arab suicide bomber murdered seven innocent Jews on a bus traveling from Tel Aviv, including 75-year-old Ethiopian-Jewish immigrant Mogus Mahento, who had 13 grandchildren.

When he was murdered, Mr. Mahento was on the way to pay a condolence call to the family of his 85-year-old friend Maharatu Tagana, who was murdered earlier that month by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad suicide bomber. In 1994, a few years before he was murdered, Mr. Tagana had walked 500 miles on foot over Sudanese mountain ranges to get to a refugee camp where he was rescued by Israel. Mr. Tagana had 15 grandchildren when he was murdered.

* Also in March 2002, a Hamas terrorist, from Tulkarem in the Palestinian Authority, bombed a Passover Seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel, murdering 30 innocent Jews and injuring 140 more.

The murdered Jewish grandparents at the Park Hotel Seder bombing included: Dvora Karim (age 73) and her husband Michael Karim (age 78), who had three grandchildren and a great-grandchild when they were murdered; Alter Britvich (age 88) and his wife Frieda (age 86), who had eight grandchildren; Yehudit Korman (age 70), who had five grandchildren; Lola Levkovitch (age 85), who had four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren; Holocaust survivor Sarah Levy-Hoffman (age 89), who had three grandchildren; and Holocaust survivor Clara Rosenberger (age 77), an active grandmother of seven grandchildren who was completely paralyzed in the bombing and became so depressed by her condition that she stopped eating and passed away in June 2003.

* In July 2017, a Palestinian-Arab terrorist broke into a Jewish home while its occupants were sitting at the Sabbath table and stabbed to death grandfather Yossi Salomon (age 70), his oldest daughter Chaya (age 46), and his son Elad (age 36) and injured Yossi’s wife, Tova. Elad’s wife managed to get their five small children (Yossi’s grandchildren) to safety in an upstairs bedroom. Another newborn grandchild of Yossi Salomon was in the hospital, and will never know her grandfather.

And then there are all the innocent Jewish babies who will never become grandparents because they who were murdered by Palestinian-Arab terrorists. For instance, a Palestinian-Arab sniper shot 10-month old baby girl Shalhevet Pass in the head while she sat in her stroller. An Arab terrorist snoted to death little 5-month-old baby Yehuda Shoham.

The list of bereft Jewish grandchildren and families due to the acts of Palestinian-Arab terrorists goes on and on. How dare Tlaib, who wants to utterly destroy Israel, make an issue about a visit to her grandmother that she herself rejected.

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Morton A. Klein is national president of the Zionist Organization of America. Follow him on Twitter @mortonaklein7.