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Before casting your vote in Israel, ask yourselves:
Q: Who turned southern Lebanon over to the Hezb’Allah savages?
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Meretz.
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Meretz.
Q: Who created Hamastan in Gaza?
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Tzipi Livni’s Kadima Party.
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Tzipi Livni’s Kadima Party.
Q: Who invited Yassir Arafat and his stormtroopers to enter the West Bank and Gaza from Tunisia and set up terror armies there?
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Meretz.
A: The Israeli Labor Party and Meretz.
Q: Who converted Israel’s policy of offering the “Palestinians” autonomy into offering them statehood in the Lands of Israel?
A: The Israeli Labor Party
A: The Israeli Labor Party
Q: Who kept Israel impoverished and underdeveloped for decades in order to maintain corrupt dirigiste socialist control and politicization of the Israeli economy?
A: The Israeli Labor Party
A: The Israeli Labor Party
Q: Whose incompetence nearly resulted in the annihilation of the country in 1973?
A: The Israeli Labor Party
A: The Israeli Labor Party