Photo Credit: Blake Flayton via Twitter.
When pro-Palestinian students marched through the University of Michigan earlier this month (pictured here) chanting calls for “intifada”—terrorist attacks on Jews—the nation yawned.

Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Across the United States, Jewish Americans do more of the same kvetching and weak complaining and expect change as university administrators’ day after day after day say Anti-Semitism isn’t ok. Yet, it is and repeats itself again and again and again.

Jews are under attack at universities and there’s been very few (Zionist) boycotts, non-violent civil disobedience or Jews fighting back. A scary reality where Jewish students are largely out of touch, passive and scared. Jews have accepted paying lots of money to universities who treat them as second-class citizens. One of the most egregious situations this year is playing out at The University of Michigan, which has seen at least four recent Anti-Semitic attacks in the last month. The community is rightfully in panic with a planned pro terror event planned for October 7th on campus in the State which has the largest Arabic population outside the Middle East.


This week, local university group Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) called for the “death of Israel” on Instagram, and a large rally in the center of campus called for the genocide to end as speaker after speaker harangued Israel. Jews on campus didn’t dare to stand up as one Jewish parent stood in the center of campus documenting all. Most recently, on Rosh Hashana evening, an armed intruder broke into the home of a University of Michigan Rabbi while he was hosting dinner with a group of students. The masked gunman pointed a gun at the group of Jews before he ran off. As the initial parent who reported the incident noted, “Motive has not been established but I think it is pretty obvious. The war in the Middle East isn’t coming to America. It is already here. I’m numb.”

This incident which took place in Rashida Tlaib’s district has been deemed by local police a “crime of opportunity.” Sadly, the Jewish community have accepted these claims and push back against those who demand a federal investigation. An attack by an armed gunman in an Orthodox area on Rosh Hashana – and Jews don’t demand a federal investigation and accept the word of authorities. History has taught us nothing as a people. Laughable. Sheep.

This comes following assaults last week on members of a Jewish fraternity a week ago when Jews were attacked and then a “group returned and threw glass bottles at the house.” On Sept. 15, unknown attackers confronted a Jewish student close to Mich’s campus, “asked if he was Jewish,” then, when he responded in the affirmative, they “[threw] him to the ground, kick[ed] him, and spit on him.” No arrests in any of these cases.

Hillel is yet to post a comment on any of their social channels of these attacks (they have posted pictures of students playing hockey). End Jew Hatred (EJH) has correspondence with the University of Michigan “Anti-Semitic committee” and refuses to share correspondence with the Jewish community. Hundreds of Jewish families have no idea who sits on these committees and what is said. One involved activist parent said “I have no idea” who the Jews who speak to the University are. Another activist parent who formerly worked at the University said, “I am a parent an alumnus and a former employee with a U Michigan email address, and I have yet to figure out who and what this task force is.”

When Adar Rubin of EJH was queried who speaks for the committee and why Zionist student leaders and parents are unaware he responded, “ “We will handle it” and “None of your business.” This is an emergency time for the Jewish people all over the world, and in a time when Jews are being attacked, sunlight is often part of the disinfectant. This “committee” must have representation from Orthodox families, Sephardic families and students from the only on campus Zionist pro-Israel organization, SSI-Michigan.

There has been a lot of lip service, repeated statements condemning Anti-Semitism. U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich), issued a press release condemning anti-Semitism noting, “We cannot allow this behavior to be normalized, ignored, or tolerated, and most importantly, we cannot let this define who we are.” It is normalized and has been. Anti-Semitism thrives at U of Michigan.

At University of Michigan even the liberal ADL has been critical, noting the school has repeatedly done a poor job protecting the Jewish community. The school made a lot of noise a few months ago about an “institute to address anti-Semitism” vowing “..a safer and more inclusive world, and even more, a brighter world of peace” only to see 2024 erupt in repeated violence and no answers. Not surprisingly, the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) said the University of Michigan does not comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and does not prevent harassment and discrimination based on shared ancestry, including antisemitism.

Since then, there have been countless violent attacks on Jews as President Ono for the umpteenth time issued a statement saying it is unacceptable. However much Ono talks, action is all that matters. Faculty has demanded that the school “divest from its financial holdings in companies that invest in Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza” earlier this year. Sadly, the University of Michigan has joined one of many schools which are no longer safe for Jews to attend. Many Universities like U Michigan have students enrolled who don’t want to transfer out in the middle of studies, but its unlikely new Jewish students will enroll at the same numbers.

Pro terror events continue on campus shamefully.

Students from University of Michigan feel so unsafe that they have created a private security service on campus offering “escorts to Jewish students” on the public university’s campus. As the student leader organizing noted, “ “It’s honestly sad that we’re at this point where we have students who feel unsafe walking around on campus and we have to take these measures. We just want the Jewish community to know that people are here for you …”

These students must be commended for starting a “Shmira” (guarding) group. That indeed is doing something important and needed. Jewish Americans need to arm themselves legally, be more Israeli, and stand up safely, louder and prouder.

It’s an unsafe time at the University of Michigan and many other places for American Jews.

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Ronn Torossian is Founder and CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR Firm in New York and one of the 20 largest independently owned agencies in the United States. Ronn is an active Jewish philanthropist through his charity organization, the Ronn Torossian Foundation.