The relationship between one’s given name and one’s family name indicates how one perceives his standing vis-à-vis the family. If the first and the last name are the same size, level, and closely spaced, it indicates a fine relationship with the family. If the first name is larger or placed higher than the last name, the writer feels superior to his family, that he achieved his status on his own.

If the family name is larger or placed higher, the reputation of the family is what he’s riding on and living off. If there is a wide space between the first name and the family name, it indicates a rift and distance between the writer and the family. When there is virtually no space between first name and family name and when they are connected, it indicates someone subsumed by the family.


The particular graphics in the Obama signature hint at symbolism both religious and tribal. His signature thus assumes the role of a veritable coat of arms.

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Dr. Ari Korenblit is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice, a graphologist/handwriting expert and a Supreme Court-certified document examiner. He can be contacted at 212-721-4608 or [email protected].