Bilal bin Rabah was Muhammad’s (S.A.A.S) loyal black slave. He freed Bilal and appointed him as a muezzin; and Bilal called the faithful to prayer from the minaret of the mosque of the Kaaba in newly-conquered Mecca. As opposed to Bilal, however, the sahaba, Muhammad’s faithful companions, who like Bilal accompanied Muhammad (S.A.A.S) in his prophetic mission, were appointed to high positions as Caliphs and district governors. Bilal with his hoarse voice called the faithful to prayer five times a day, but few answered the call. Both Muslims and infidels in Mecca made fun of him, saying he brayed like a donkey, and many of them paid no attention to his calls to prayer.
I cannot help asking myself if the Muslim Brotherhood’s dream were to come true today, and the followers of Mohamed Morsi, America’s darling, did actually take over the world with their radical Islamic agenda, would they elevate Obama to some high office? Sadly, if radical Islam actually managed to realize its goal and take control of America and Europe, the Muslims who follow the tradition of Muhammad would appoint Obama to a post no higher than muezzin of the Chicago mosque.
For this reason, when I see black Americans convert to Islam (like Congressman Keith Ellison, who converted to Islam from Catholicism), with their weird empathy and incomprehensible yen for Islam and Hamas, I am amazed and horrified by the ignorance of their choice. Do they not know that Muslims were the slave traders who captured Africans and sold them to America? Do they not know that to this day many Muslims in the Arab world disregard blacks and treat them like slaves? In Arab political circles in the Gulf States, Condoleezza Rice and other black politicians are called a’bd or a’bda, the Arabic word for slave. In the Muslim Brotherhood scenario, Congressman Keith Ellison would not be a member of the Islamic Council (the Shura) and Secretary Rice would not be allowed to leave the house without a male relative, to say nothing of flying off on diplomatic missions around the world. She would stay at home and look at the world through the square veil in her hijab.
From the heart of the Middle East chaos I ask myself why we accepted such enormous quantities of arms from America without being able to use them. Why can we not unite and ourselves get rid of dictators like Assad? Why do American soldiers have to die for us? Where is Qatar, which relies on the United States for its defense but operates Al-Jazeera TV for the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihad and incites the Arabs to internecine wars and creates chaos? Where are Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States? Where is Turkey? Where is Egypt and its glorious army? Because of America’s empty declarations, which the Arab-Muslim world scorns like the braying of a donkey, I understand why America lost its deterrence and ability to fight. I understand why no one takes America seriously, and I can only come to the conclusion that it is time for us, Arabs and Muslims, to take our fate in our own hands: the time has come to worry about ourselves.