We urge Israeli citizens living in America who are members of Israel’s Zehut International Party to support Rabbi Ben-Tzion Spitz in the upcoming party primary.

Zehut members generally will be selecting 15 Knesset candidates who will be ranked on its electoral list in advance of the next Israeli parliamentary election. Zehut has reserved the 10th slot on its list for a representative of Israeli citizens living abroad, to be chosen by them exclusively. It will mark the first time Diaspora Israelis will be permitted to vote in an Israeli party primary election.


The Jewish Press has known Rabbi Spitz for more than three decades, since his activist days with the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry, through his aliyah to Judea, his unstinting support of Gush Katif, his political career on the Likud Central Committee, and his distinguished service as chief rabbi of Uruguay.

Rabbi Spitz is an articulate spokesman for the Jewish people and for that reason has been a regular contributor to The Jewish Press website. We are proud to endorse him for slot 10.

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