Q & A: A Mechalel Shabbat In A Minyan (Part III)
Question: I live in a small community where it is sometimes a struggle to get a minyan together. When this occurs on Shabbos this is extremely upsetting. I am so concerned that I was wondering – may we ask some of the non-observant Jews who live in the neighborhood to join us to complete a minyan?
Name withheld
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Q & A: A Mechalel Shabbat In A Minyan (Part II)
Question: I live in a small community where it is sometimes a struggle to get a minyan together. When this occurs on Shabbos this is extremely upsetting. I am so concerned that I was wondering – may we ask some of the non-observant Jews who live in the neighborhood to join us to complete a minyan?
Name withheld
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Q&A: A Mechalel Shabbat In A Minyan (Part I)
Question: I live in a small community where it is sometimes a struggle to get a minyan together. When this occurs on Shabbos this is extremely upsetting. I am so concerned that I was wondering – may we ask some of the non-observant Jews who live in the neighborhood to join us to complete a minyan?
Name withheld
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Q & A: Forgetting Al Hanissim On Chanukah
Question: If one forgot to recite Al Hanissim on Chanukah, does he have to repeat the Shemoneh Esrei or Birkat Hamazon?
Moshe Jakobowitz
Brooklyn, NY
Q & A: Relative Sanctity Of Various Holy Books (Part II)
Question: Because of the Torah’s sanctity, we do not place any object on a Torah scroll except for its mantle or a tallit during Torah reading. Is it a violation to put a siddur or other sefer (holy book) on top of a printed Chumash when these are placed on shelves or tables?
Alex Poultman
Via Email
Q & A: Relative Sanctity Of Various Holy Books (Part I)
Question: Because of the Torah’s sanctity, we do not place any object on top of a Torah scroll, except for its mantle or a tallit during the Torah reading. Is it a violation to put a siddur or other sefer (holy book) on top of a printed Chumash when these are placed on shelves or tables?
Alex Poultman
Via E-mail
Q & A: Children’s Toys On Shabbat
Question: Are children’s toys or games considered muktzeh – prohibited for use on Shabbos?
M. Goldman
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Q & A: The Prayer Of Tal u’Matar On December 4 Or 5 In...
Question: Will you please explain why we begin to say the prayer of Tal u’Matar on the evening of December 4 or 5 – that is, based on the secular calendar? Also, if one traveled to Eretz Israel, where they start to say it earlier, what is he to do when he is there, and when he returns, if he returns before the time we normally commence to say in the Diaspora?
Zelig Aronson
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Q & A: The Prayer Of Tal U’matar On Dec. 4 Or 5 In...
Question: Will you please explain why we begin to say the prayer of Tal u’Matar on the evening of December 4 or 5, that is, based on the secular calendar? Also if one traveled to Eretz Yisrael, where they start to say it earlier, what is he to do when he is there, and what about when he returns, if he returns before the time we normally commence to say in the Diaspora?
Zelig Aronson
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Q & A: A Mother’s Mitzvah (Part III)
Isn’t the father in serious violation of the Torah by neglecting his children and not making any effort to provide them an education?
Name Withheld
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Q & A: A Mother’s Mitzvah (Part II)
Question: Isn’t the father in serious violation of the Torah by neglecting his children and not making any effort to provide them an education?
Name Withheld Via E-mail
Q & A: A Mother’s Mitzvah (Part I)
Question: Isn’t the father in serious violation of the Torah by neglecting his children and not making any effort to provide them an education?
Name Withheld
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Q & A: Yiftach B’Doro – A Leader In Our Generation
Question: My problem is that some question certain character traits of President Trump and his fitness for office. I really don’t think sitting out this election is a proper option. I read your columns and as such is it possible to present a Torah view in this matter.
No Name Please
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Question: What are the ushpizin and why are there two different versions of their order on Sukkot?
Avrohom Zins
(Via E-mail)
Q & A: Sitting In The Sukkah
Question: I hope you will not mind answering several questions regarding the mitzvah of sitting in the sukkah. What is the reason for sitting in the sukkah? Are we required to sit in it whenever we eat? Is one allowed to travel during the week of the holiday to a place where no sukkah is available?
Moshe Jakobowitz
Brooklyn, NY
Q & A: The Five Inuyim (Afflictions) Of Yom Kippur
Question: I am aware that there are five pleasurable activities from which we have to abstain on Yom Kippur. Can you explain them? Are they of equal importance?
Martin Wainman
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Q & A: The Prayer Shema Koleinu (Part II)
Question: When Shema Koleinu is recited during the High Holidays season, the cantor skips several lines during the responsive repetition. What is the reason?
A Reader
Wilkes Barre, PA
Q & A: The Prayer Shema Koleinu (Part I)
Question: When Shema Koleinu is recited during the High Holiday season, the cantor skips several lines during the interactive repetition. What is the reason?
A Reader
Wilkes Barre, PA
Q & A: Where To Light The Sabbath Candles? (Part II)
Question: My husband and I are frequent Shabbos guests at our children’s homes nearby (we eat the meal with them and return to our home after the meal). Where should I light Shabbos candles – in my home or in theirs?
Name Withheld
Q & A: Where To Light The Sabbath Candles? (Part I)
Question: My husband and I are frequent Shabbos guests at our children’s homes nearby (we eat the meal with them and return to our home after the meal). Where should I light Shabbos candles – in my home or in theirs?
Q & A: A Downed Eruv (Part II)
Question: What if an eruv was breached on a Shabbat – is it permitted to be repaired and if it is how is this to be done?
Zvi Kirschner
Via E-mail
Q & A: A Downed Eruv (Part I)
Question: The eruv at a facility was discovered to be breached on Shabbat and was repaired without everyone residing there being told anything at the time. Some people learned about it only after the repair. What is the halachically proper manner of dealing with such a situation? If an eruv is breached on a Shabbat, is its repair permitted? If permitted, how is this to be done ideally? Is there a need to announce the breach?
Zvi K.
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Q & A: The 15th Of Av – A Day Of Rejoicing
Question: Our family enjoys reading and studying your weekly column as it gives us invaluable insight into our Torah practice. Our question is as follows: If the fast of Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av) concludes the mourning period for the destruction of the Temple, why wait until the 15th of Av to rejoice? Is there a distinct significance to this date?
Sara Gutman
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Q & A: Bal Tash’chit During The Nine Days (Part II)
Question: May leftover meat from the Sabbath during the Nine Days be used during the week so as not to violate “bal tash’chit” – the prohibition against wastefulness?
Rabbi Yaakov Spivak, zt”l
Rosh Kollel, Kollel Ayshel Avraham
Monsey, NY
Q & A: Bal Tash’chit During The Nine Days (Part I)
Question: May leftover meat from the Sabbath during the Nine Days be used during the week so as not to violate “bal tash’chit” – the prohibition against wastefulness?
Rabbi Yaakov Spivak [zt”l]
Rosh Kollel, Kollel Ayshel Avraham
Monsey, NY
Q & A: K’vod HaTzibbur
Question: Whenever an activity is prohibited because of kavod hatzibbur [namely, the dignity of the congregation], may a kehilla decide that such activity, in their view, does not infringe upon the stature or dignity of the congregation? In my synagogue there are many people who do not wear jackets during services. What of a jacketless ba’al tefillah at Mincha or Ma’ariv, in a synagogue where the custom is such that the shaliach tzibbur does not wear a tallit for these services?
Via Email
Q & A: Tying Knots On The Sabbath (Part III)
My son recently stopped wearing a necktie and lace-up shoes on the Sabbath. He explained that otherwise he fears transgressing the prohibition against tying knots on the Sabbath. Is he correct in this matter?
A Mother in Israel
Via E-mail
Q & A: Tying Knots On The Sabbath (Part II)
My son recently stopped wearing a necktie and lace-up shoes on the Sabbath. He explained that otherwise he fears transgressing the prohibition against tying knots on the Sabbath. I am concerned, as I do not wish that he appear slovenly especially on the Sabbath, which might not reflect well on him regarding possible shidduchim. Is he correct in this matter?
A Concerned Mother
Via E-mail
Q & A: Tying Knots On The Sabbath (Part I)
My son recently stopped wearing a necktie and lace-up shoes on the Sabbath. He explained that otherwise he fears transgressing the prohibition against tying knots on the Sabbath. I am concerned, as I do not wish that he appear slovenly, especially on the Sabbath, which might not reflect well on him regarding possible shidduchim. Is he correct in this matter?
A Concerned Mother
Via E-mail
Q & A: Mano’ach’s Wife (Part II)
Question: Recently we read the haftara of Parashat Naso. I am puzzled by the fact that the wife of Mano’ach was given to see things her husband did not see, yet only his name is mentioned. What was the name of Mano’ach’s wife?
Yossy Guttman
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