Echo Chamber

Certain truths can never be fully grasped without exposure to a perspective beyond oneself.

True Story

A story can be true in the sense that all the details are technically factual. Yet the way it’s conveyed may not be the way it happened.

What Should Our Attitude Toward Gift-Giving On Chanukah Be?

In the secular society gift-giving on Chanukah was influenced by the Christian holidays. If the gift-giving mimics the non-Jewish world, it is definitely not proper. If, however, it is done to promote the joy and family spirit of Chanukah and done in modest manner, there doesn't seem to be a reason to forbid it.

Daf Yomi

They Ate Chametz On Pesach ‘Declared By A Beis Din Of Three’ (Sanhedrin 10b)


Many people feel that they would know exactly what to do if they won the lottery. The many stories of lives destroyed by sudden windfalls notwithstanding, they feel that they would know how to proceed.

To Study Torah Or To Search Torah?

To learn our holy and ancient texts properly, we must beware of idioms that deceptively translate but are not quite the same.

Is it proper to wish your neighbors and coworkers a happy (Xmas) holiday? Does...

It goes without saying that greeting someone during their holiday promotes good will and therefore should be done.

A Dollar For A Tree

The Acharonim dispute the fundamental nature of kinyan kessef. Sma (190:2) and Avnei Milu’im (29:2) maintain that the money is compensation for the real estate, like the money Avraham paid to acquire Me’aras HaMachpelah.

Daf Yomi

The Longest Mesechta? ‘We Shall Return To You…’ (Bava Basra 176b)

The Mysterious Monotheism Of King Akhenaten

It seems that Rabbi Yitzchak may have approached the disagreement with Rabbi Abba as if it were an abstract halachic debate rather than a personal dispute.


The lesson is that living according to the mandates of G-d is not to confine and restrict, but to ensure that we live an elite connected life within the confines of biblical morality.

Is It Proper To Enjoy Holiday Lights And Light Shows This Time Of Year?

While there may not be a direct prohibition against looking at holiday lights and enjoying them, I think it’s important for us to always keep in mind some of the history of our people and of this very long exile.

Ring In The Sand

Among contemporary poskim, Hashavas Aveidah K’halacha (2:16c) writes that Shulchan Aruch maintains that the halacha applies even when there are identifying features, such as a ring, whereas Pischei Choshen (Aveidah 2:11) cites this halacha when there aren't identifying features, like the Rambam.

Daf Yomi

A Shidduch Solution ‘Known In A Town For Thirty Days…’ (Bava Basra 167b)

Walking Into The Fire

At that moment both Avraham and Yitzchak created a cosmic reality that had never existed before. They gave birth to the spiritual gene within Am Yisrael of mesiras nefesh. From that moment on we were given the fortitude to walk through fire, to resist those who wish to extinguish our light.

Camels And Cactus

Because the Talmud pointed out that thorns are not necessarily destructive but may even be worth maintaining with human intervention, like pre-Industrial Revolution gas stations, we now have two additional reasons to be thankful on Thanksgiving and on every other day of the year – for the cacti and for the camels.

Finding Yourself By Winging It

I try to employ true understanding of Biblical Hebrew to decontaminate from subtle incorrect cultural attitudes and beliefs. These mindsets and worldviews are unconsciously incorporated as a result of powerful influences on thought that come from the implicit categorization and depictions in each language.

Personalized Prayer

The problem is that we don’t really feel like we are talking to anyone when we are davening. Rav Pinkus quips that a person only needs a siddur when he’s talking to the wall!

Guarantor Liability

Since the sums were small, we didn’t draft loan documents, replied Mr. Judah. We relied on text messages when I lent him, and when he repaid I would write a confirmation message. I’m sure, though, that Mr. Samuel didn’t repay. I can show you that there is no confirmation of paying.

Daf Yomi

Rash And Impulsive ‘A Place Inhabited By Many Kohanim …’ (Bava Basra 160b)

Biblical Russian Collusion Hoax

One question in the poskim arises regarding if the parent left no assets at all. Some argue that since a child is only obligated to honor his parents using their funds and not his own, here he would be exempt.

What Is The Proper Way – If At All – For American Jews To...

Utilizing this day as a day to thank Hashem for providing us with the United States of America as a haven of freedom to be able to observe Torah and mitzvos is definitely proper.

Daf Yomi

Crossing The Divide ‘Then The Two Men Shall Stand…’ (Bava Basra 155b)

Don’t Shoot The Messenger

Our Gemara on amud beis notes that most people who fall ill eventually recover. This observation has legal implications in cases where a person on their deathbed bequeaths their estate to someone else, but later recovers.

Pecking Away

We would like to serve Hashem with a clear mind, when we feel relaxed and calm. In fact, to some degree we expect that when we try to do what is right, G-d should ensure that life is smooth and easy. After all, if we are trying to do His Will, shouldn’t He at least make it convenient to do so?!

May One Defend Israel (Online Or In Conversations) From Purely Technical/Historical/Legal Perspectives, Without Invoking...

It is important that, in addition to our divine mandate, our presence in Eretz Yisrael is justified according to broadly accepted principles of justice and fairness.

The Cycle of Life Continuing

When Hashem created the world and mankind, He intended for there to be peace and harmony amongst all with holiness, goodness and truth to rule over the whole world.

Zoom Conference

I understand that you now want two copies, Levi said. However, you already told Shimon to give your Ketzos to me, so now it’s mine. You can’t retract unilaterally!

Daf Yomi

The Priest Forbade Chametz ‘Acquired By Admission’ (Bava Basra 149a)

Attitudes Of The Rich And Successful

This discussion touches on a fundamental question: Are individuals truly self-made, or does familial and social support often play a role in their success?


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