May One Torah Study At Night? Halacha vs. Kabbalah
According to some authorities, one should avoid studying Scripture (Written Torah) at night. This is based on the Kabbalistic teaching that the Written Torah was specifically designated for study during the day and that the Oral Torah (Talmud) was specifically designated for study at night.
The Other Side
The concept of both sides being correct flies in the face of the prevailing attitude and mindset of our society.
Is It Proper…? Is it proper for a Jew to propose on one knee?
Is it proper for a Jew to propose on one knee?
Searching For A Single Home
According to biblical law, once an area has been converted in to a reshut hayachid by enclosing it with a halachically acceptable eruv, one may carry inside the enclosed area. But according to rabbinical law, it is simply not enough to enclose an area in which one wants to carry with an eruv. This alone will not permit carrying from the home into the street or vice versa. Neither will it alone permit carrying from a condominium apartment into the lobby or other common areas.
Daf Yomi
Treif Cows Milk?
A Toldah of Dash
(Shabbos 144a)
Happy Purim
We are living in a generation when open miracles are not seen daily or at all. And yet our daily existence in this homeland is a natural miracle.
Air Conditioner Running
The Bergs spent Rosh Hashanah in the apartment and then went on to their relatives.
Unreasonable Rental
The first storm of the winter arrived. The skies turned black and the rain fell heavy. The trees swayed back and forth as the wind howled outside. Here and there, branches snapped off and fell to the ground.
Daf Yomi
A Joy And A Blessing
‘Rejoicing All Seven Days’
(Kesubbos 4b)
Is It Proper…? Do Young Children Belong In Shul?
Do young children belong in shul?
Two Purim Mitzvot For The Price Of One?
Can one simultaneously discharge the mitzvot of mishlo'ach manot and matanot la'evyonim by giving a poor person a generous food package on Purim?
Should one take sides in a family fight? If yes, under what circumstances?
It is very difficult to provide anything more than general guidelines regarding when one should take sides in a family fight.
Daf Yomi
Fetal Immersion?
‘The Fetus Is A Limb Of It’s Mother’
(Yevamos 78a)
Paying For A Defective Product?
After listening to both sides present their case, Rabbi Dayan said, “The sale of defective merchandise is void from the beginning.
Pool Barrier
The contractor warned me that the local safety code requires a barrier around the pool. He's supposed to come in two weeks to install it.
Daf Yomi
Twin Cities
‘A City Is Given A Karpif’
(Eruvin 57a)
Kashering Our Kitchens
This process, which is the most powerful form of kashering, is known as libun.
Daf Yomi
The Physician’s Dilemma
‘It Came Into His Hand While Forbidden’
(Bava Metzia 21b)
Daf Yomi
My Plate, My Food
‘My Loaf Is Forbidden To You’
(Nedarim 34b)
Court Case
Mr. Weiss refused to listen and sued Mr. Cohen in civil court.
Daf Yomi
Tzitzis On A Blanket?
‘…to Exclude a Nighttime Garment’
(Menachos 43a)
"The Rema writes that if there are two groups, each group is entitled to half, even though one group may have more members than the other," replied Rabbi Dayan.
Daf Yomi
Being Overly Burdensome
“My Sabbaths Shall You Observe”
(Yevamos 6a)
The Three Weeks And The Nine Days
The door to our troubles first opened on that Seventeenth day of Tammuz when Moses walked in on the worshippers of the golden calf and shattered the tablets of the law.
Early Shabbat (Part I)
Contrary to widespread misconception, most authorities permit a husband and wife to accept Shabbat at different times, i.e., one spouse is permitted to make "Early Shabbat" while the other spouse accepts Shabbat "on-time."
Free Sprinkles!
"Whoever came in contact with a corpse or was in a cemetery must also be sprinkled on twice beforehand with water that has ashes of the parah adumah, the red cow, mixed in."
Identical Copy
"Guess what?" Benzion exclaimed when he returned home. "I just won an identical Mishnah Berurah in the avos u'banim raffle."
Signing On Shabbat
Question: What should a person do if he brings a relative to the hospital on Shabbat and is asked to sign his name? Can he sign if the hospital will not admit the patient otherwise?
Daf Yomi
The Wedding Day Fast
“He Gives Her Over In Marriage”
(Kesubos 47a)
Daf Yomi
Que Sera, Sera?
‘He Daubed Him With Mud’
(Nedarim 89b-90a)