As We Come Closer And Closer
‘… Like The Face Of A Dog’
(Sanhedrin 97a)
Our daf is in the midst of a discussion about events in the future, most importantly those connected to the advent of Moshiach (which continues to 99a). The Gemara cites numerous signs or traits that will be found in the generation immediately preceding his arrival and the final redemption.
One of those traits, the Gemara notes, is that “the face of the generation will be like the face of a dog.” Rashi (s.v. “k’pnei kelev”) explains, citing a midrash, that they will be (in their behavior) exactly like dogs. He also cites another midrash that they will lack embarrassment one from the other. This obviously refers to a generation where people will engage in the most private acts in public, similar to a dog, which is not possessed of any sense of shame as it goes about its needs in public.
The Rich
Etz Yosef (to Ein Yaakov, Sotah 49a) explains that our Sages are referring to the rich of that generation, who will be like dogs – they will be very stingy with their wealth and refuse to give to their destitute brethren.
A Ruse
Maharsha (Sanhedrin 97a) explains that the sign of that generation is that people will show the face of a dog. They will falsely assume the characteristics of a dog, namely its unusual fealty to its master. However, in reality this will only be a ruse; they will be far from any fealty to G-d.
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter (cited by Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman in Kovetz Ma’amorim, Ma’amar “Ikvesa d’Moshicha,” p. 115) suggests that the trait of “the face of a dog will be the face of the generation” refers to its leaders. They will lead with the characteristic of dogs. Instead of actually leading by good example and strong leadership, they will look back at every instant to see what the populace seeks. They will only do whatever is in their own best interests at securing their positions of power and prestige. They will not take into account whether their actions actually benefit the people.
Not Here Yet
Yad Rama (ad. loc.) remarks: “It is much to my dismay that Moshiach has not come in our generation, considering the many signs and indications of Moshiach that have already come to pass.”