Photo Credit: Wikipedia
Steven Hill

On a Sunday afternoon a number of years ago, my in-laws were visiting us from Lakewood, and we went to a local pizza shop here in Monsey for lunch. As soon as we walked in, I detected an uncharacteristically excited expression upon my father-in-law’s face that I had never seen before. Before I could say anything, my father-in-law, a”h, motioned to a sole fellow who was quietly eating his lunch, and asked me if I knew who he was. When I replied that he didn’t look familiar, my father-in-law told me almost giddily that it was Steven Hill.

My father-in-law was a big fan of the famed actor from the 90s hit TV show, “Law and Order.” Despite Mr. Hill’s chassidishe garb, my father-in-law recognized him immediately. During the late 1960s Mr. Hill decided to become Shomer Shabbos and a Skverer chassid. After a two-decade hiatus, he returned to act in “Law and Order” but only on his terms, which included strict adherence to halacha.


Seeing how excited my father-in-law was, a few minutes later I presented him with a paper plate, upon which was hastily written: “To Nate, All the best, S. Hill.” My father-in-law was far more thrilled with the note than I thought he would be. In fact, if I had realized how excited he would be about it, I never would have written it. He was pretty annoyed at me when he found out.

In August 2016, Steven Hill passed away at the age of 94. The truth is that there is a great deal to admire about him. He was a person who had “made it” in the celebrity world, with all the endemic glitz and glamour. Yet he was willing to put it all aside to pursue a life of deeper meaning and fulfillment.

In an interview in 1969 with Irene Klass, the late publisher of The Jewish Press, Hill explained why he left acting to pursue a life of Torah:

“I used to ask myself ‘Was I just born to memorize lines?’ I knew there had to be more to life than that… I was feeling depressed because I seemed to be leading an aimless existence… My life seemed empty – meaningless…”

My father-in-law related that, on a different occasion, he met Steven Hill at a wedding, clad in his chassidishe garb and holding a sefer. I don’t think he gave my father-in-law an autographed paper plate, but my father-in-law was deeply impressed by Mr. Hill’s sincerity and apparent pride in being an observant Jew.

Those of us who grew up and live a Torah life within the confines of our communities, often hear about how Torah and mitzvos afford us to live meaningful lives, in contrast to the glitz and wealth of Hollywood, which although externally alluring, is in reality vapid and devoid of meaning. Yet, on some level, we remain skeptical and don’t really believe it. We maintain this inner feeling that we would be different. If only we “made it big” and “had it all” we would defy the statistics of high rates of depression, empty lives, and broken homes.

Iconic personalities like Steven Hill inspire us to realize that we would be wise to appreciate the gift we were granted of being born into a life of potential meaning and purpose. I say potential meaning and purpose, because it’s up to us to develop this incredible gift at our disposal. Unfortunately, there are many people who live a Torah lifestyle, but do so without feeling. That’s kind of like acting out the script like an actor without really embracing the role. And that’s exactly the type of life Steven Hill left behind.

It’s not enough to keep the mitzvos, we have to live it, for that is true living.

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Rabbi Dani Staum is a popular speaker, columnist and author. He is a rebbe in Heichal HaTorah in Teaneck, NJ, and principal of Mesivta Orchos Yosher in Spring Valley, NY. Rabbi Staum is also a member of the administration of Camp Dora Golding. He can be reached at [email protected] and at