Purim and Pesach: The Bulls and Bears Revisited
We are now entering the season of faith-building that begins at Purim and ends at Pesach. More than at any time in our calendar, it is a season when we remember the long-term
Tu B’Shvat – Message In A Tree
The quintessence of the story is that Abraham wanted to make it well-known to people that they should recognize G-d as the Creator and be grateful to Him. In order to get the audience for this message, he planted an eshel tree to make his place known and easily found.
The Customs Of Tu B’Shvat
One should take the opportunity afforded by Tu B'Shvat to reflect and thank G-d for the fruits that He has created for our enjoyment.
Hanukah: Our Nation’s Message
Chanukah Sameach
Rabbi Sacks (zt’l): A 6th Chanukah Message: THE LIGHT of WAR and THE...
Jewish law rules that if we can only light one candle – the Shabbat light takes precedence, because in Judaism the greatest military victory takes second place to peace in the home.
A Hellenist Left Standing
The twenty-fifth makes her remember,
Because it's Kislev - not December.
She almost fell, like Hellenists of old.
The twenty-fifth makes her remember,
Because it's Kislev - not December.
Once she, too, chose tinsel, not the gold.
Z’man Simchateinu
Simcha, Sason & Chedva, and the distinctions between them.
Chag Sukkot: What We Learn From Displacement
We must remember that this world is merely the corridor to the palace (Avot 4:16), the gateway to the next world. This world and its pleasures are not the ultimate end goal.
Hashem’s Love, Away From The Crowds
We are commemorating the individual Jew, the lonely Jew, who was not connected to the nation in that moment, who felt alone, who felt broken, who felt lost, but who nonetheless was protected by G-d even though he or she was not surrounded by the clouds of glory.
Faulty Shelters, Resilient Beauty
So, this year we sit in our Sukkot with mixed emotions, recalling the glory days of the desert but also the dark days of the past year. As we sit within our fragile Sukkot, sympathize with the anguish felt by so many Israelis whose homes – once places of safety – proved incapable of protecting them.
A Bleak Rosh Hashana
Historically, some would fast on Rosh Hashana, intensifying the solemnity of standing in judgment before the Divine. Though this minhag has largely faded, this day remains one of muted joy, filled with reverence and gravity.
ABC’s of Elul
The last month of the Jewish calendar is actually the most important – serving as preparation for the High Holidays.
A Weird Shidduch and the Message of Tu B’Av
Tu B’Av is the holiday of bringing back together that which was apart
Aleph Beta: “Your Children Will Come Home” – The Hope Beyond the Tears of...
How is it that Rachel’s tears evoke such a powerful response from God? If we can make sense of this passage, it may be able to shed light on our process of mourning on Tisha B’Av, and help our tears and grief become a catalyst for action.
Tisha B’Av – The Ninth of Av
Overview and laws of the Jewish national day of mourning.
What We Can Learn From Not Greeting Others On Tisha B’Av
Just as a mourner would find a cheerful greeting to be out of touch with what he is experiencing, that is how we should feel on Tisha B’Av.
17th of Tammuz
17th of Tammuz: Beginning 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
What are the Three Weeks & Tisha B’Av?
The Jewish national period of mourning.
Ari Fuld on Shavuot: On the Indigenous People of Israel and Why There is...
Ari talks about the holidays of Shavuot and Yom Kippur, the Shofar that connects the two holidays, and the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.
Why Do We Read Megillat Ruth?
The Reading of Megillat "Ruth" on Shavuot has its roots in Masechet Sofrim.
Why Weren’t the Non-Jews Under the Mountain?
Judging from the sources in the Talmud, there is more than a tinge of ambivalence about the non-Jews being left out of Matan Torah....
Keep the Fire Burning
Like all of the holidays since Simchas Torah, each community and individual needs to navigate how to observe and experience Lag B’Omer while a war rages in our homeland.
Yom Ha’atzmaut In The Shadow Of October 7
This year we savor Jewish sovereignty more deeply than in the past, when we may have taken it for granted.
Ari Fuld on the Holidays | Passover: Freedom vs. Responsibility – 5778 (2018)
Ari Fuld discusses: What are we celebrating on Passover and what are the lessons to be learned?
A Little Dvar Torah for Passover
To see God’s Hand in our world is represented in the “bread of faith” known as the Matzah. To lose sight of God’s Hand in this world is represented by the Chometz.
The Seder and the Plague of Loneliness
Kindness is greater than charity; we must open our homes to those in need of connection.
A Pesach Torah: Jerusalem 2024: “Every Generation …”
The Vilna Gaon says that the Haggadah is a handbook for the entire path of history the Jews will travel from Avraham to Messiah
Celebrating Chol Hamoed
The Exodus is central to our belief system and antithetical to Avoda Zara.