Aleph Beta: “Your Children Will Come Home” – The Hope Beyond the Tears of...

How is it that Rachel’s tears evoke such a powerful response from God? If we can make sense of this passage, it may be able to shed light on our process of mourning on Tisha B’Av, and help our tears and grief become a catalyst for action.

17th of Tammuz

17th of Tammuz: Beginning 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Ari Fuld on Shavuot: On the Indigenous People of Israel and Why There is...

Ari talks about the holidays of Shavuot and Yom Kippur, the Shofar that connects the two holidays, and the indigenous people of the Land of Israel.

Ari Fuld on the Holidays | Passover: Freedom vs. Responsibility – 5778 (2018)

Ari Fuld discusses: What are we celebrating on Passover and what are the lessons to be learned?

The Machine Matzah Controversy: A History – Rabbis, Matzah, and Invention

The Ksav Sofer also dismissed the square matzah concern by stating, In the merit of the four-cornered matzos, may Hashem redeem us from the four corners of the earth.

Finishing The Job: Purim’s Secret Hidden in Jerusalem & Gaza

If you want to learn a mind blowing short & powerful class on Purim before the Holiday, Tehila delivers again!

A Chanukah Carol

A Tribute in 5 Parts to 8 Days and 1 Great Victorian Novelist

Ari Fuld on the Real Miracle of Chanukah

Ari Fuld uncovers and explores the real miracle and lessons of Chanukah.

A Sukkah Allegory

Reb Yisrael and his sons erected their sukkah adjacent to the kitchen door of their palatial home in one of the Five Towns, as they had done for many years in the past...

The Meaning of Today’s 10th of Tevet Fast

Asara B’Teves, the 10th of Teves, commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar that ultimately culminated with the First Temple’s destruction on the 9th of Av the following year.

Ari Fuld on the Real Miracle of Chanukah

Ari Fuld uncovers and explores the real miracle and lessons of Chanukah.

Ari Fuld on Sukkot: The Symbolism of Sukkot and its Lesson for Modern Times

On Sukkot we are told to be joyful, but why should we be more joyful on Sukkot than any other holiday, and what is the message for us today?

Tisha B’Av Special: Uncovering the Ashes of First Temple Period Jerusalem

In the City of David, the place where Jerusalem began, the evidence of those periods and their tragic end are being revealed, bringing to light all that was lost and the incredible endeavors to reveal and rebuild our beloved and eternal capital.

Rabbi Sacks’ Message for Tisha B’Av During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Here is a short message as we head towards Tisha B'Av and will be marked in strange and difficult circumstances because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Q&A with Rav Hershel Schachter

Questions and answers with Rav Hershel Schachter shlit”a, regarding situations arising from the coronavirus crisis. Transcribed by Rabbi Pini Dunner (assisted by Michael Bernstein). This transcript has been approved by Rav Hershel...

Sanzer Rebbe: Don’t Fret About Cleaning For Pesach

Although righteous women have been accustomed to devoting all their energy to preparing the house for Passover, this year must be different.

Purim Guide for the Perplexed

Rules, halachot, laws and history for Purim. Have a Happy Purim!

Ari Fuld on Purim

Purim is about recognizing the miracles in everyday life and not being afraid to do the right thing.

The Meaning of Today’s 10th of Tevet Fast

Asara B’Teves, the 10th of Teves, commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar that ultimately culminated with the First Temple’s destruction on the 9th of Av the following year.

The Real Miracle of Chanukah

Ari Fuld uncovers and explores the real miracle and lessons of Chanukah.

Ari Fuld on the Holidays | Passover: Freedom vs. Responsibility – 5778 (2018)

Ari Fuld discusses: What are we celebrating on Passover and what are the lessons to be learned?

The Magical Power of ‘If I Have Found Favor in your Eyes’

In the phrase I appear to be passive, but a deeper examination reveals that I am the active component: it is my active seeking of your grace that ingratiates me in you.

If it Takes You More Than a Day to Clean for Pesach, You are...

I beg you to ask yourself this question: Which sounds will ring in your children’s ears in the future when they think back to Pesach in their home? Will it be moans, groans, bitterness and complaints or will they remember the joyous sounds of an energized family eagerly preparing for a meaningful Yom Tov?

Rav Bina’s Yom Kippur Message 5778

God will judge you on Yom Kippur based on how you interact, treat and judge other people.

Rosh Hashanah (New Year) Guide for the Perplexed 2017 / 5778

On Rosh Hashanah, one is expected to plan a spiritual and behavioral road map for the entire year. So when one hears the shofar blow,the trip begins.


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