Israel’s Inventive Capture Of The Negev
Israel’s innovative, young commander of the Negev campaign was Yigal Allon. In order to break the Egyptian hold, he would have to get his troops to the south undetected. This was a significant challenge as the only surfaced road was bordered by several Egyptian strongholds.
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part VI)
It appears that killing a rodef is not only a complicated halacha, but only bidieved (a secondary choice). We are therefore left with a fundamental question: Why are we allowed to, or supposed to, kill a rodef?
The Author Of Our Lives
Joseph is the center of attention whenever he is, as it were, onstage, and yet he is, time and again, the done-to rather than the doer, an object of other people’s actions rather than the subject of his own.
Yosef And The Battle For True Beauty
Before Adam sinned, he looked nothing like you or I do today... The Midrash says that he wore kosnos ohr (skin of light). When you looked at Adam, you didn’t see his body but saw Adam himself, i.e., his neshama.
A Guy Named Chanukah
As an interesting aside that only etymologists like myself could appreciate, the name Juanacita itself sort of has a connection to Chanukah. This is because that name derives from the name Juan/John, which is a Latinization of the Hebrew name Yochanan.
Mazel Tov Times Two
When the shidduch Josh was in the middle of didn’t work out, he turned back to Moishy to hear about his sister. Eventually the couple met and realized that yes, it really was a match. When Josh and Sari got engaged, Moishy was the happiest of all.
What Is The Theme Of The Stories Of Genesis?
To be sure, a persistent theme of the patriarchal stories is the two promises G-d made to each of them, namely that they would have many descendants and that they would inherit the land of Canaan.
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part V)
What if the person has full intent to not only take the action, but also cause the harmful result. However, in this case, the person has the wrong information, so he thinks that he is doing something good, when in fact, he is about to do something very bad.
Chanukah And The Eternal Battle For Light
Spiritual debate has been a recurring phenomenon since the beginning of time. Chanukah is when we tap into the spiritual debate between the Jews and the Greeks, as the Greeks specifically attempted to destroy our spiritual way of life.
Of Missiles, Challahs And Cold Storage
In retrospect, I really should have been clued-in as soon as I entered the store. Despite the fact that it was erev a three-day yom tov, the store looked more like a regular Tuesday night than what should have logically been a typical Thursday night on steroids.
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part IV)
The obvious question arises: what changes once the fetus leaves the womb? Why is it permitted to sacrifice the fetus to save the mother while the fetus is in utero, but the moment the fetus leaves the womb, we can't choose one life over another?
The Jewish Journey
Jews don’t stand still except when standing before G-d. The universe, from galaxies to subatomic particles, is in constant motion, and so is the Jewish soul.
The Three Steps For Building Eternity
Have you ever felt like everything worthwhile in life eventually fades? The energy of youth fades into old age, the excitement of beginnings fades into routine, and the inspiration of a new goal fades into habit. This pattern extends to almost all spheres of the human experience.
Rabbi Velvel Finkelstein, z”l
Raffy explained to him how special the mitzvah is, and that this particular pair was donated as a merit for his uncle, who cared deeply for his fellow Jew.
The Birth Of The World’s Oldest Hate
Pharaoh was a one-time enemy of the Jews, but Lavan exists, in one form or another, in age after age.
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part III)
It has often been assumed that this debate is fundamentally centered around the very question of whether a fetus is considered to be a full nefesh or not.
Our Son’s Mission In Lebanon
Shabbat is a very holy day, but in the case of pikuach nefesh (saving lives), one is allowed to transgress the laws of Shabbat. It is a very strange feeling as a religious Jew to get into one’s car and drive off on Shabbat. But the mission needed to be accomplished, and it would most likely save lives.
Judaism without God
Whatever the reason for this phenomenon, Jews have to stop deluding themselves that they are just one member in a community of nations. They are not and never were.
The Tragedy of Good Intentions
It is the deep, reverberating question at the heart of Toldot. Why did Rebecca tell Jacob to deceive Isaac and take Esau’s blessing? Her...
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part II)
The reason one receives the death penalty for killing someone is because of middah k'neged middah, measure for measure. When one violates a prohibited act, they receive exactly that which they inflicted upon someone else.
The Way To React With Tact
In most cases, people don't desire us to fix their problems or provide perspective, they wish us to acknowledge their feelings and show that we care about their experience.
Aseres Hadibros: Engrave Them On Your Soul
When we understand that every single aspect of our life is given to us in order to help us fulfill our unique purpose, what another person has becomes irrelevant, and jealousy becomes nonsensical.
Dina, Adina, and Vardina
In which we also explore the names Edna, Eidel, Ettel, and more.
Kol HaNearim
Today, Hashem allowed me to pay back my Zaydie's debt. Thank you and Yasher Koach!"
What Is Better Than A Segulah?
She called her husband and told him to search inside the car and if it wasn’t there to go back to where he had parked car when they came to me and search on the road. But no – despite my confidence in the segulah after much searching it still wasn’t found.
Why Are There Two Sets Of Luchos?
While the general juxtaposition of the mitzvos on the right and left sides of the Luchos carries fundamental significance, there is a powerful connection between the specific commandments on each side as well.
A Gift That Keeps On Giving
So, although on this occasion I had initially decided to go as a favor for a visiting friend, in the end it was I who gained the most from the mitzvah.
Walking Together
There is an image that haunts us across the millennia, fraught with emotion. It is the image of a man and his son walking...
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha: What is the Definition of Life? (Part...
As a fetus grows and develops, it's possible that it becomes human, or at least more human, even if that is not originally the case when it is first conceived as a zygote.
Aseret Hadibrot: Oneness And Twoness
One unique feature of the Luchot is that there were two sets given to us. The original was created by Hashem and given to Moshe, whereas the second set was hewn by the hands of Moshe. However, the difference between these two sets is not simply practical; the two sets of Luchot are fundamentally different.