“How could I ever do business with a man as wicked as you?” Eliezer declared. “Have you no compassion or human dignity?”
Most amazingly, this Poritz was visibly moved by the reproof. Filled with contrition, he pledged that from that day forward he would never commit a shameful act, and to prove his intentions he was going to reduce the price of the flax even more and put the money for the ransom toward the flax purchase.
Eliezer Lipman was amazed how things had developed. It was exactly as the rabbis had taught: one mitzvah brings in its train another mitzvah! Both ransoms did not cost him; also as the rabbis teach: no action or mitzvah ever goes unrewarded.
But what greater reward could Eliezer have received for his constant chesed and tzedakah than a beautiful family, two of his sons being none other than Zusha of Anapoli and Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk.
(To be continued)
Chodesh tov – have a pleasant month!