Reb Leibush from Shinlavzi had arrived late that night. As it was the dead of winter and it was still snowing heavily, he decided that he would not leave the toasty inn that he had checked into until the next morning, at which time he would greet Reb Elimelech.
However, once they discovered Reb Leibush, they beckoned him to appear before the rebbe without delay. He did as he was instructed and handed Reb Elimelech all of the money that was deposited with him to deliver to Lizhensk. Since the money was for Reb Elimelech to administer, the rebbe deemed the sum his responsibility once it entered the town’s confines. Accordingly, he was unable to fall asleep until each coin was distributed.
(To be continued)
Chodesh tov – have a pleasant month!
Those interested in screening Rabbi Teller’s acclaimed documentary, “Reb Elimelech and the Chassidic Legacy of Brotherhood,” should e-mail [email protected].