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My daughter was sitting at work one day when she heard the loud boom of a car accident right outside her office. She, together with many of her coworkers, ran out to see what had happened. Lo and behold, my daughter’s parked car was hit from behind, causing it to hit the parked vehicle in front of her. Suddenly, she was inadvertently involved in a three-car accident. The police eventually came, took down the report, and her car was scheduled to be towed for repairs.

The insurance company recommended their repair center, but we opted for a collision place with which we were familiar. The adjuster came a few days later and estimated the damage at a few thousand dollars. Now the car was on the way to being repaired.


A week later, my daughter went to retrieve her car. When she got there, she was told the car was not ready. It seems that when the repair shop removed the rear bumper for painting, they discovered a whole slew of new damage that had not been visible earlier.

She called the adjuster again. He arrived the next day, estimated the new damage at several thousand dollars, and considered the car totaled. The kind boss at the repair shop was willing to lose some money by bringing the price down – and consider it repairable. I must express my appreciation to Yossi at the repair shop for helping expedite this matter with kindness and generosity, so that we were able to get the car back.

Had this damage been noticed immediately, there would have been no choice but to consider the car totaled. In this economy, when buying a new car would have been a hardship, Hashem helped my daughter find a way to save her car.

Hashem shows His hand in many ways. We can always find it – if we just look.

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