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Tefillah is a powerful tool. When we see Hashem’s hand at work, we are overwhelmed.

One of my neighbors recently experienced Hashem’s answer to her tefillah firsthand. She had brought her car in for repairs to the local auto shop. Rather than wait for it to be repaired, she decided to walk a mile to the nearest pizza shop for lunch. As she walked down a busy street, she passed a shopping center. Suddenly, she literally didn’t know what hit her.


A car made a right turn into the shopping center parking lot, hit her, and knocked her to the ground. Naturally she was shaken and frightened. Soon, sirens sounded, and an EMS team arrived at the scene. They found a lump on her head and suggested that she be checked out at the nearest hospital. She agreed, and the ambulance rushed her to the emergency room.

While she waited for her CAT scan and other tests, she prayed that Hashem would send an angel to help her. One of her neighbors was a doctor. She did not know if he was affiliated with this hospital, but she nevertheless davened that he would somehow come to her aid. You can imagine her surprise when the door swung open and this doctor walked in. She almost shrieked with happiness. She had asked Hashem for this doctor’s help, and he arrived.

Not only did he help by making sure the tests were done expeditiously, but he returned to see her after finishing his rounds and drove her home.

Now you tell me, does Hashem hear our tefillot?

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