Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Normally I am quite outgoing, but lately I realize that as I try to adjust to changes in my life, even in the midst of a family simcha, I sit in quiet contemplation.

I think to myself how grateful I am to Hashem Yisborach for the blessings that He continuously sends my way.


Recently, for example, my first grandchild got married.

Before the chasunah, some folks wondered how I had the time to be in touch, given what is normally a very busy time, but since I am one generation removed, I merely had to show up looking as presentable as possible! At the same time, however, the blessing of children, which Baruch Hashem came to me after many years of tears, finds me overwhelmingly grateful to Hashem for the miracle of my family – a miracle that I’ve never taken for granted! To have arrived at the momentous occasion, therefore, the zchut of participating in this simcha – the tears flowed freely, as my husband benched our dear granddaughter at the kabolat ponim.

Although it’s been too long since my dear mother, ob”m, participated in our smachot, I found myself looking for her in order to share the simcha with her. In recognition, therefore, of her chashivus within our family, my son-in-law, the father of the kallah, joined two of my sons, in singing “Sheh yibaneh Beis HaMikdash,” at the evening’s close, in tribute to their beloved Grama, because it was her favorite nigun.

The joy of the occasion was manifest throughout the evening as members of both families bonded appreciating one another and in unison thanked Hashem for this wonderful simcha in which our new couple will build a new baayit n’eemon b’yisrael.

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