Photo Credit: Jodie Maoz

Memorial Day always immediately proceeds Independence Day in Israel. By focusing first on those who fell defending the country, we are able to appreciate the pain and struggle necessary to keep Israel alive and going.

We are a small nation, whose members are spread across the world. Many Jews have not come home yet; the Jewish population in Israel still constitutes less than half the Jewish population of the world. Geographically we are a small country surrounded by wolves and predators. That Israel has achieved all that it has in the last 70 years despite all its many challenges is a complete miracle.


It is clear that the Almighty one above is with us, watching over us every step of the way. On Memorial Day, as I remembered all the soldiers and great people who died protecting this little but so important and significant piece of land, I felt so proud to be part of the Jewish nation in its homeland.

For many reasons, it’s a great challenge to live in Israel. One is the danger from surrounding countries – and from enemies who live among us as well – trying to wipe us out every opportunity they can get. This alone presents an immense and existential challenge.

And there are so many more issues and challenges that consume us here – from political matters to religious beliefs and differences in opinions regarding almost every topic that exists. What keeps this little land together despite all its challenges?

It is written that when the people of Israel are united, no one can harm them. G-d Himself fights for us and protects us from any harm. It’s true that there’s still so much work to be done to unite our nation, but each year when Memorial Day and Independence Day arrive, one can see and feel with one’s very own eyes just how far we have come as a nation, as a country, and as a people in the last 70 years.

On these very special days we see each part of the nation uniting, each one bringing out a different side of the same soul: that of the Jewish people in its homeland – the same land that was given to our forefathers so many years ago.

May this beautiful and beloved land of ours keep on growing physically spiritually and in unity. And may we all merit to live and be well to see the full redemption in our time soon.

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Michal can be reached at [email protected]