Photo Credit: Jewish Press

We are at the threshold of the time of geulah – redemption. After the remarkable events that have transpired in the last weeks, we must recognize that we are living at a special time in the history of our people. Here in Israel, we have witnessed the open hand of Almighty G-d, and in my opinion, miracles that equal or even surpass the miracle of the splitting of the sea. Our goal, however, must be to stay united, “k’ish echad b’lev echad” – one nation united as one, with love and respect for each other. Though we are different, in essence we are the same.

Our history tells us that during the month of Nissan, after 210 years of slavery, we left the land of our persecution, the land of Egypt, and began our dramatic journey which was to become the spectacular story of the formation of the Jewish people as a people. This journey has lasted even until the present day, as still today we are found in different stages of our redemption and we are asked to react and overcome challenges that we face daily as a people. What was strange about leaving Egypt was that although we all left as one people, we comprised twelve unique and different tribes – each with their special flag, and no doubt each with their special customs and their separate views.


The Midrash relates that when the Jews crossed the sea, it split in twelve parts, giving each of the tribes a special path to follow. One would expect that Almighty G-d would have provided, or at least preferred, that all of the tribes would proceed in unison in one lane as a sign of harmony and agreement, as Rashi states the Jews were when they received the Torah “k’ish echad b’lev echad” – as one person with one heart. Yet each tribe, according to this Midrash, was provided with a special path – a special direction. Perhaps the message at this time of redemption was that the Jewish people needn’t be all alike. We can be different! But the most important characteristic, however, is that we are all pointing and going in the same direction. How we get there is of little concern. What is important is that we all have our sights set on the same goal.

A remarkable occurrence is happening in the state of Israel today. The vast majority of the people living there, whether observant or non-observant, ultra-religious or not, observe the holidays as national or religious events in their lives. Well over 80 or 90 percent of Israeli citizens celebrate Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashana, Purim, Succot, Tisha B’Av, and Pesach. Whether their reasoning is based on Torah law or on nationalistic pride, the bottom line is that these holidays are being observed! And the results are truly amazing. To me it is a sign that we are experiencing the Messianic era. There is no doubt in my mind that over the ensuing years, those who observe these holidays because of nationalistic reasons will realize as well the religious aspect of these holidays.

The difference in living in Israel verses outside of Israel is that in Israel, Judaism is the basis of the country’s daily operations. On the radio on Friday the announcers will wish you a Shabbat Shalom. On Pesach they will tell you Chag Kasher v’Same’ach and all the supermarkets only sell kosher-for-Pesach products. On Purim nearly everyone dresses in a costume and on Succot all the stores sell decorations for the sukkah and people wish each other a Chag Same’ach. The entire nation is moving in one direction, which is heartwarming.

For the first time in 2,000 years, Jews are returning to Israel. Russian, French, English, and German can be heard in the streets of Israel. The prophecy that Almighty G-d promised the Jewish people – “And I will bring you from the four corners of the earth…to your land,” which we recite daily in our prayers – is coming to fruition. It’s such an exciting time for the Jewish people.

Outside of Israel, our Jewish lives are very often in direct conflict with our daily and business lives. There is a palpable tension. One needs to make an effort to swim against the tide to retain one’s Jewishness, and it is in this environment that some Jews – some of our children – lose direction and mix up goals and get lost in this society.

Living in Israel represents the future of our people. It is in this land and this time that we hope and pray that we will welcome the Messiah and herald a time of peace and tranquility the world over.

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Rabbi Mordechai Weiss lives in Efrat, Israel, and previously served as an elementary and high school principal in New Jersey and Connecticut. He was also the founder and rav of Young Israel of Margate, N.J. His email is [email protected].