“A moment of effort for a lifetime of benefit”
Our Mission:
When it comes to Chesed the Jewish people are at the front of the line. We’ve tackled Chesed and everyone is aware of the unbelievable work and generosity that we are involved in. Now it’s time to take on a new, more difficult challenge: Middot (character trait).
Rabbi Yisrael Salanter said, “It is harder to change one character trait than is it to master all of Shas (entire Oral Torah).” Although it is an incredible undertaking, it is one of the main reasons why we were put on this earth. The life mission of a Jew is to constantly and consistently refine one’s character, in order to emulate Hashem. For these reasons, we’ve decided to implement DailyMiddot.
The content of the program will be provided by the Salant Foundation, one the premier Torah organizations dedicated to personal excellence.
Guaranteed Benefits of Daily Middot:
– Significant improvement in your relationship and communication abilities with your spouse as well as all other interpersonal relationships.
– More enriched relationship with your children.
– Feeling of self-satisfaction that in becoming a wholesome person, that is independent of other people’s reactions/attitudes towards you.
How it Works:
DailyMiddot is a program that helps each one of us in our character development. Starting on June 1st, we will be working on one character trait for three weeks at a time. By the end of the year, we will have worked on 13 character traits. We have chosen the top 13 traits, which people most commonly struggle with.
Every day you will receive an email with a short paragraph, which will include motivation, advice, and a suggestion of what to do that day. The Yetzer Hara is going to do all he can to try and stop you from working on yourself. We should all pray to Hashem for the strength to continue this climb to help us succeed in becoming the person we are meant to be.
Sample Day:
Mida of the month: Friendliness
Daily lesson: “Greet everyone with a smile.” (Pirkei Avot 3:16) Just as the sun brightens the world on a sunny day, a smile brightens the hearts of people, . A friendly greeting is wonderful gift that we give to other people. When we greet others with a smile, we communicate to them that we like them. Once a person is greeted with happiness, he or she feels valued, cared for, and appreciated.
So give them a warm smile and let other people know how happy you are to see them.
A smile is contagious – if you smile at someone, they will smile right back at you. It creates a ripple of smiles, that brings joy to whole community.
TODAY: Greet other people with a smile and “make their day!”
If you would like to join this program, please email salantorg@gmail.com
P.S: Any comments, questions, or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Rabbi Zvi Miller, Dean
Website – http://salantfoundation.org