Presence In Residence

If you analyze the overall structure of the Mishkan (and Beit HaMikdash) you see that it is layered according to the level of holiness.

‘We Say YES When Others Say NO!’ – Parshat Mishpatim

Loaning money is a greater Mitzvah than giving Tzedakah...

Jews Enslaved

When Israel enslaves their own brothers, they are also enslaving G-d’s very image and likeness on earth.

Higher Fences and Better Cell Phones

Perhaps it is the nature of debate that blinds many from the wisdom of the opposing position, but our sages clearly advocated both approaches simultaneously.

The Wondrous Mitzvah Of Tefillin (Part II)

This message of hope – that all is not lost and that one can always climb back from a spiritual morass without needing years to do so – is a vital lesson that is important to remember every day of our lives. This is one of the reminders of the tefillin.

A Bracha For You

One is not promised that he will live longer than the number of years that he was destined to live. Rather, one who worships Hashem will live out his days.

Eyes, Teeth, Hands & Feet

If you think that wealth is limited to your investment portfolio, you are very much mistaken (although money is one form of wealth). There are other forms of wealth, which many tend to regard as mundane, but which are often more valuable than all the money in the world.

Remaining Objective – Parshat Yitro

What can we learn from a seeming grammatical anomaly?

Haftarat Parshat Yitro: Of Angels And Humans

This discrepancy between human and angelic perspectives plays a central role in Chazal’s account of the giving of the Torah, albeit in an entirely different vein. While no angels appear in the Torah’s version of the story, our Sages recount that at Sinai too, Moshe encounters conflict between himself and the angels.

Searching For Hashem

Man will be disappointed when he realizes that Hashem is no longer in such close proximity as He was in this world.

Parents, Teachers, and the Image of G-d

There is one great payback to mentoring. It brings one a certain type of immortality even in this world.

The Wondrous Mitzvah of Tefillin (Part I)

Tefillin is a daily reminder to avoid sin which would result in punishment and to do mitzvos which earn us great reward.

Silver And Gold Deities

There cannot possibly be a substitute for the experience of encountering the knowledge of Hashem once it has directly impacted upon one’s consciousness.

A Female Bird

Midyan therefore embody a double-edged sword. On the one hand, being descendants of Avraham with the attribute of controlled chesed, they are attracted to Am Yisrael, out of love. On the other hand, they are not Am Yisrael and do not have our Torah values – so they potentially pose a threat.

Not Complaining, Just Explaining – Parshat Beshalach

One big lesson we can learn, is stop complaining, see the טוב.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Beshalach: Tactical Deception and Clueless Pawns

Those who are skilled in producing surprises Are as infinitely varied as heaven and earth, And as inexhaustible as the great rivers. -Sun Tzu

The Tree Of The Field (Part II)

The overarching texts and principles that guide the Seder Tu B’Shvat are the two trees that were created in the Garden of Eden and the biblical passage stating that the human being is a tree of the field (Devarim 20:19).

Natural Miracles

Seeing the Egyptians close in on them, the Jews did what they had originally done to escape oppression; they cried out to G-d to save them. But this time, G-d threw the ball into their court and said, “a titzak elei, daber el benei Yisrael veyisau – Why are you crying out to me, speak to the Israelites and let them start moving (14:15).

The Art Of Silence (Part II)

This concept is consistent with the Gemara in Masechtas Sanhedrin that states categorically, Adam la’amal peh nivrah – A person was created primarily for the toil of the mouth. In other words, the greatest arena of achievement in life is in one’s control of their speech.

A Compassionate Heart

In order to perform acts of kindness with each other, they would each have to overlook the deficits and defects of the other.

Making Music

Even the animals have been singing to G-d every day, since Creation. Every time you hear a bird chirping, a rooster crowing, a donkey braying etc., they are singing praise to G-d. If you want to know what they are singing, refer to Sefer Perek Shira.

The First Mitzva – Parshat Bo

How does the bracha of kiddush levana relates to Kabalas Pnei HaShechina?

These Are My People

For 210 years, they labored in Egypt under extremely harsh conditions. But like a small child with a dirty shirt, they didn’t even realize how inappropriate it was for them to be slaves.

Redeeming Relevance: The Importance of Being Alone

" I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Henry David Thoreau

Be A Living Example

The Kerem Shlomo says further that if the children receive a Torah true chinuch they can recognize that their parents seek Hashem, and they are therefore galvanized to give over that same chinuch to their children.

The Art Of Silence (Part I)

The fundamental idea of how important is the trait and the power of keeping ones mouth shut is echoed in Pirkei Avos where it teaches us, Shimon b’no omeir, Kol yomai gadalti bein hachachamim, v’lo matzasi l’guf tov m’shtika – Shimon, his [Rabban Gamli’eil’s] son said, All my life I grew up amongst the sages and I never found anything better for the body than the art of silence.

Four Rosh Hashanas – Tu B’Shvat (Part I)

In the fascinating and unjustifiably obscure text Semichat Chachamim by R’ Naftali Katz HaCohen, the question is asked why Rosh Hashana in Tishrei and the one in Nissan, the new year for kings and for festivals, seem to be reversed.

First Born

According to Meir Panim, the entire episode of Am Yisrael in Egypt and the Exodus, was to atone for this sin. This is why we are commanded to eat matzos when we left Egypt, to atone for the chametz bread baked by Chava.

Why Frogs? – Parshat Va’era

Offhand, one could think of scarier pests than frogs.


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