Why Frogs? – Parshat Va’era
Offhand, one could think of scarier pests than frogs.
The Language Of Redemption
It is possible to be enslaved but not to suffer brutality, and also to be tormented without being a slave.
The Subversive Jewish Wisdom Aristotle Would Not Hear
While I respect many of the moral accomplishments of the West, I believe that Judaism still has much to offer in critique of the West’s many remaining failings.
Classified Information
When a person is beleaguered with problems that disrupt his avodas Hashem and his Torah learning, he may ponder why he is suffering when his friend – who is not as devout – enjoys the good life, is well-to-do and at peace.
What’s Your Potential?
Reb Moshe asks, Why would we need someone coming out of a coma to teach us something so obvious?
Promises of Geulah
How often in ancient and contemporary Jewish history have we seen things become desperate before they improved? And yet we persevered and survived. And with this perseverance, our faith in G-d as our ultimate savior survived too.
This staff was given by G-d to Adam HaRishon. It was then passed down from generation to generation, to Shet, Chanoch, Metushelach, Noach, Shem, Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov and then to Yosef.
Introductions – Parshat Shemot
Which father?
Torah Shorts: Parshat Shemot: The Diamond in the Cesspool
Each of us is like a diamond, and each of us has the potential to be brilliant. -Simon T. Bailey
Who Named Moshe and What Does His Name Connote? – Parshat Shemot
Did Pharaoh's Daughter Speak Hebrew?
Redeeming Relevance: Beginnings and Ends: Musings about History
Historical perspective should humble us. It should make us realize how little we understand the true nature of what is going on around us. But it should also make us realize that things truly worthwhile have a staying power.
Hashem Has Accounted For Us
The double language of reckoning also encompasses two aspects of the Divine Judgment that the true redeemer would have to know to invoke – Hashem will do good to Israel and lead us out of our misfortune, and He will also punish those who tormented us and hold them accountable.
Seize The Moment
The thought process of believing that rather than having a child murdered he would separate from his wife was incorrect. Miriam revealed the will of Heaven that the exact opposite was appropriate.
Chazak, Chazak, V’nis’chazeik!
While the yeitzer hara has many arrows in his quiver, and his aim is focused on getting us to speak lashon hara and to fight with our spouse, to look at the wrong things, and to say hurtful words, there is nothing that the yeitzer hara tries harder to accomplish than to stop people from learning Torah.
Anatomy Of Exile
When Yosef entered, Pharaoh tested him – he said hello to him in Dutch, Greek, and Danish and each time Yosef conversed with him fluently in each language and ascended another step until finally he was on the top 70th step together with Pharaoh.
A Special Note For The Kotel
It was difficult for him to write without errors, but his ambition was so extraordinary. It would have been worth it to me to stand there for hours in the sun or the rain just for the opportunity to help him in his quest.
Torah Shorts: Parshat Vayechi: A Blessing on Your Head
Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world. -Lawrence G. Lovasik
Rachel Buried Along The Way
When Lavan decided to trick Yaakov, and essentially Rachel too, Rachel nevertheless played along and gave the secret codes to Leah to enable her to succeed in the ploy. Rachel realized that what was happening must be the will of Hashem, and that it was not possible for Yaakov to have only one wife.
Redeeming Relevance: Halachic Man and Authentic Man
Even as Western society has become uncomfortable with religion, it has also become increasingly uncomfortable with its own discomfort.
The Rod And The Staff
Every individual who finds himself in challenging times only needs to know how to recognize the smile of Hashem from Above.
New Year’s Resolutions
It’s always important to remember how different we are, and to thank Hashem that He allowed us the privilege to be part of this Holy Nation.
A White Lie
There is no question that they lied, but incredibly, the Gemara above says that they were right to lie because there is a special circumstance when one is permitted to lie and that is to make peace, what is known in English as a white lie.
Traveling – Parshat Vayigash
Slow down!
The Minyan Market
The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Trading Passion For Compassion
People of deep conviction and burning passion are often swept away by the force of their ideals. Drawn to lofty principles and grand visions, they can lose sight of the day-to-day emotions of those around them.
Drawing Near
When Yehuda approaches Yosef, he touches his garment, and this is said to be a manner in which individuals may connect with Hashem when they are not at the level of achieving proper communion.
Greatness Revealed
Even when Yosef believed he was right, he considered the possibility that perhaps he had done something wrong that warranted his excommunication.
A True Essential Of Life
Since the objective of marital unity brings the coveted blessing of the Shechina, the yeitzer hara tries mightily to block one’s marital harmony. We therefore must strive vigorously to maintain the magic of our oneness at all times.
The First Impression
After Yosef reveals himself to them and they get over their initial shock, the Midrash says – they wanted to kill him! Kill him? Just a few hours earlier they were intent on rescuing Yosef, and willing to pay any price to do so. Now that he is standing in front of them, they want to kill him?