Why Do People So Dislike Tachanun

More than one scholar has noted the absence of self-critique in ancient literature of all peoples except the Jews.

Nothing Wasted

Etching the Torah in our hearts and minds takes an enormous investment of effort and time. We may fear that the long hours we spend on it displaces the time we need to meet our surrounding responsibilities, our commitment to work, to family etc. Miraculously, however, nothing gets displaced.

Rosh Chodesh Nissan And The Light That Comes Into Our Universe: Mishkenei Elyon (Conclusion)

The innermost aspects of being are revealed in the interior of the Tent of Meeting in the Mishkan, or in the Hechal (or sanctuary) of the Beit HaMikdash.

Torah Shorts: Parshat Pekudei: Eternal, Divine Structure

Day by day we are building for eternity ... Every gentle word, every generous thought, every unselfish deed will become a pillar of eternal beauty in the life to come. -Rebecca Ruter Springer

A Bracha For You And Your Family

With the mitzvah of tzedakah, there is the possibility of saving oneself even as the ship is beginning to sink. The mitzvah of tzedakah is especially unique in that it can protect the individual even if a Heavenly decree has already been issued to the contrary.

In Pursuit Of Chometz (Part II)

I will learn the art of saying I’m sorry, showing that I empathize with the damage I’ve done and demonstrating that I’m making concrete corrections so that it won’t happen again. This is very different than the But, I said I’m sorry already approach!


Chazal tell us that every component in the earthly Beit HaMikdash is paralleled by a "twin component" in the Heavenly Beit HaMikdash. Just as there is a Menorah down here, there is a Menorah up there. Just like there is a Shulchan down here, there is a Shulchan up there, etc.

Fragmentation, G-d, and the Western Jew

the Talmud speaks about His presence moving away from the Temple only gradually during its last days. So would it not have made more sense for G-d’s presence to also come down gradually while the Tabernacle was being builtT

Divine Physics

Of all the 39 acts of work which are prohibited on Shabbat, why does The Torah single out the act of lighting fire? As we know, in the Jewish calendar, the night belongs to the next day. By burning the light at night, we extend the working day into Shabbat.

Gather Round

The women had to be there and also the babies, not simply because that was how it was at Matan Torah, but for another reason. Neither the women or the babies were complicit in the sin of the eigel, they didn't have anything to atone for – it was the men.

Unity Of Israel In The Korbanot Service – Mishkenei Elyon (Part IV)

Ramchal teaches that although the Kohen officiates in the offering of korbanot, the three groupings of Israel are all essential to the effective completion of the service in the Beit HaMikdash.

A New Lease On Life

Mesiras nefesh does not only refer to extreme instances. It also includes acts that may require a degree of selflessness for others.

In Pursuit Of Chometz (Part I)

In the spirit of Passover spiritual cleansing which we are commencing, here is a list of fifty-two areas of life which perhaps could use some ongoing scrubbing and scouring.

Achdut, Purim and Parshat Ki Tisa

What was Moshe Rabbeinu was doing for those 40 days?

PURIM: Underneath the Costume

In everyday life we frequently meet people who seem to be walking around in disguise. One is disguised as someone arrogant, another as someone vulgar, and a third as someone apathetic – but what we see is not a true reflection of who these people really are.

Mastery Of The Universe – Mishkenei Elyon (Part II)

In the aftermath of this ordeal, Moshe seems to struggle with his understanding of the omnipotence of Hashem and the instantiation of His will in the affairs of men.

Mordechai In The Torah

By accepting the Torah, the Jews themselves became a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation (Shemos 19:6). However, Chazal tell us (Shabbat 88a) that their acceptance of the Torah was under duress.

Preparing for a Spring Wedding… to God

It seems like no coincidence, then, that we read Esther and Ruth at the beginning and end of this period in the year.

Guard Me So I Don’t Sink Into Darkness

Hashem does not forgive anyone who ever shed a drop of Jewish blood. There is no question that justice will be served by Hashem Himself, as the Yalkut Shimoni states, upon anyone who participated in any way in this massacre.

Purim – The Holiest Day Of The Year

The holy rebbe, Rav Yisroel of Ruzhin, adds that Purim is even more, for while on Yom Kippur Hashem forgives only with teshuva, repentance, on Purim He forgives as soon as we ask Him, as it says, Kol haposhet yad nosnin lo.

Water Of Creation

Of all the vessels in the Mikdash, the kiyor is something of a conundrum. Is it one of the main vessels in the Mikdash, like the Menorah, Shulchan, etc., or not?

The Compassionate Judge: Parshas Tetzaveh

In the back of the Choshen Mishpat there was a slip of parchment, known as the Urim Ve’tumim, containing G-d’s ineffable name. G-d was behind every decision the judges rendered. Even those decisions, which in hindsight appeared wrong, were right, because G-d was behind them.

The Golden Mizbe’ach And The Ketoret – Mishkenei Elyon (Part II)

The nexus of all worlds, the point of conjunction of the physical and spiritual poles is the golden Mizbe’ach.

The Power Of Truth

Our sages teach us, Words that exit from the heart [of the one who utters them] enter into the heart [of the listener]. This suggests that if someone does not truly believe or feel that which he is saying out loud it has no effect or impact on the listener.

Breaking The Megillah Code

The Megillah is called Esther, which means hidden. This is because the Divine Hand was cloaked under the guise of palace intrigue, and within the lust and caprice of the royal court.

Purim And The Mishkan

Assimilation was quite prevalent at the time with many prosperous exiled Jews preferring a liberal, cosmo-political approach as opposed to a conservative, separatist approach. Very few remained true to the old teachings and values, like Mordechai, the former head of the Sanhedrin.

The Majority of Israel – Parshat Terumah

The Jews that didn't make Aliyah relinquished their rights!

Framing the Flame – Parshat Teruma

How the Mishkan preserves inspiration.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Terumah: Flying Lessons:

The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn't it be?--it is the same the angels breathe. -Mark Twain


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/parsha/redeeming-relevance-in-the-bible-francis-nataf/why-do-people-so-dislike-tachanun/2025/03/27/

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