We learn in the beginning of Parshas Pekudei that the initial half-shekels were used to make the sockets for the Mishkan, upon which the Mishkan itself stood. The Chofetz Chaim explains that in this way all of the Jewish people had a share in the construction of the Mishkan.
The Talmud in Pesachim (8a) teaches that one should always give charity with the intention of doing it for the honor of Heaven. Nevertheless, the value of the mitzvah of tzedakah is not diminished, even if the individual had ulterior motives, such as seeking its reward.
R’ Shimshon Pincus observes that today’s world is like a tempestuous stormy sea, where dangers abound. One can be safe when traveling in a durable ship of Torah and mitzvos. However, if a person does aveiros the ship begins to break apart, and then the person is in danger of falling into the depths of the sea and losing his life.
Yet, with the mitzvah of tzedakah, there is the possibility of saving oneself even as the ship is beginning to sink. The mitzvah of tzedakah is especially unique in that it can protect the individual even if a Heavenly decree has already been issued to the contrary.
Rav Pincus adds that when an individual inspires another person to do a mitzvah, he has certainly assisted him greatly. But when someone donates tzedakah to another individual he is saving his fellow Jew, which is even greater. Sometimes, Hashem, in His infinite mercy, provides the individual with an opportunity to save his own life – a chance encounter with a poor man, a knock on the door, a phone call. So great is the merit of giving tzedakah.
The pasuk in Mishlei (11:4) states: “Wealth will not help in the day of wrath, but charity will rescue from death.” Our sages explain that “wealth” is referring to many mitzvos. Yet, the pasuk teaches that only tzedakah will save the individual when Hashem’s wrath predominates. An individual who dedicates himself to “giving,” who focuses his efforts on saving another individual with his charity, brings blessing and peace to his household, as it says (Yeshayahu 32:17), “The product of righteousness shall be peace.”
A number of years ago I was introduced to a young girl orphaned of both parents. She desperately sought guidance, direction and chizuk. I found that she often just needed someone in whom she could confide her concerns and to whom she could express her feelings of loneliness.
She would become especially sad and melancholy as the yomim tovim approached. Those were difficult times because, she said, she never knew if anyone would invite her to join them for Pesach, Shavuos or Succos, or if she would be able to participate with others in feting Purim or Chanukah. When she would talk wistfully of her isolation and solitude, I would constantly give her positive encouragement that she would one day be married with a home of her own, b’ezras Hashem, when she would then prepare a beautiful yom tov for her family.
The optimism and reassurance would always bring a smile to her face, and she was able to move forward, heartened by the vision of a brighter future.
This past year a very kindhearted woman in the community “redt” her a shidduch. After going out for a number of weeks with a wonderful bachur, she called to ask if she could come over with him for a bracha, as their engagement seemed imminent.
I was delighted to see the two happy faces before me, and I reminded the young lady that she was on her way to making her dream come true. The look of delight on her face literally lit up the room. A modest vort was sponsored, and the members of the community who were familiar with the young lady’s situation joyfully came to give their good wishes. A few weeks later the couple were married. It was a simple wedding, but the wholesome elation and euphoria of all who participated was a beautiful sight to behold.
Recently, the chosson called to make an appointment to see me. He seemed ill at ease and discomfited, and I became concerned. I engaged him in conversation, and he related that with Pesach coming up, his kallah kept excitedly repeating her dream of having their first most beautiful yom tov together, as she had always visualized. He then revealed that he was, troubled because his hours of employment had been cut in half, and they have been struggling for a while. He could not see how they would now be able to make a Pesach of any consequence, especially in light of the high cost of Pesach food, wine and matzos. But, he didn’t have the heart to crush his kallah’s dream. He sat disconsolate, as he asked for my advice.
I immediately assured him that I would make certain the couple could celebrate an unforgettable “first” Pesach together. As soon as he left, I began to work diligently to raise the necessary funds to fulfill my promise.
Every year before Pesach, I personally reach out to all of our loyal readers and friends of The Jewish Press to help me help others in the community who are in dire financial straits. There are families, individuals, and children who need our encouragement, our support, and our monetary assistance so that they can rejoice on the yom tov of Pesach along with the rest of Klal Yisrael. Please join in this great mitzvah.
I personally administer and distribute the monies from the special Yom Tov Fund I have established directly into the hands of those who are most in need.
In the zechus of your contribution may you merit blessing and success, good health, nachas, happiness and prosperity. You may also include the names of anyone in particular who is in need of shalom bayis, shidduchim, refuah, parnassah, etc. and I will say special prayers on their behalf. May we be worthy, with all of our tefillos, to celebrate a good, healthy and joyous Pesach, and may we see an immediate end to the current situation that plagues the world as well as an immediate return of all the hostages. Amen.
Please send your contribution to Khal Bnei Yitzchok Yom Tov Fund, c/o Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, 1336 E. 21 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11210. Donations can also be Zelled to 718-954-4343.