Legacy of a Zealot – Parshat Pinchas

A true pursuer of peace/completeness is one who identifies the obstacles to HaShem’s Ideal for this world and works passionately to remove them.

Expressing Kedusha – Parshat Shemini

Israel is to participate in - and elevate - every sphere of national life in order to reveal the inner connection of all that exists to the Divine Ideal.

Between Man & Wife – Parshat Nasso

That HaShem forgoes His Honor for the sake of making peace between man and wife comes to teach us the importance of humbling our own egos for the sake of making our relationships work.

Parshat Ki Tavo – Israel’s Story is the Context

The performance of our Torah's ritual precepts must be contextualized & experienced within the larger meta-narrative of Israel's story & mission.

Parshat Ki Tetzei – The Real Deal

Israel’s Torah is not some man-made 'religion' but actually the Divine Ideal implanted into our world for the purpose of uplifting all Creation through sanctifying every area of human existence.

Parshat Vayeilekh – Our Nationality is Israeli

Although he had been raised in Pharaoh’s palace and had never in his life actually seen Eretz Yisrael, Moshe was held accountable for allowing himself to be referred to by others as “an Egyptian man.”

V’Zot HaBrakha – The Hebrew Mission

The Torah is not merely some disjointed ritual precepts but rather the Divine Ideal from before existence placed into this reality for the sake of elevating our world beyond its current limitations.

Parshat V’et’hanan: The Power of Tefillah

As characters participating in one of history’s most incredible chapters, we focus our efforts on the specific challenges facing our generation.

Parshat Terumah – Giving Everything

The notion of giving everything to HaShem illustrates the difference between the mentality of redemption and that of the exile.

The Secret of Bilaam’s Prophecy – Parshat Balak

While Moav & Midian championed a separation of 'religion' & state, Israel’s mission demands that spiritual ideals be materialized on a national level so that our Torah’s values be fully expressed on earth.

Parshat Breishit – The Goal of Creation

HaShem's Divine Oneness and the harmonious unity of existence within Him is the deterministic blueprint of all human history that will be revealed to mankind through the story of Israel.

Enemies of the Creator – Parshat Matot

By waging war on Israel, even if not consciously aware of its inner motivation, a person or group is declaring war against the Source of all Creation.

Inseparably Connected – Parshat Kedoshim

The Segula is Israel's inner Divine light planted within the collective Hebrew soul and revealed in human history through the Jewish people.

Parshat Metzora – Mitzvot that Challenge Values

While it is unfortunate that even observant Diaspora Jews can be corrupted by the moral values of their host countries, the greater tragedy is that they are not living up to their full potential in life.

Parshat Vayakhel – Real Hebrew Leadership

The melekh does not actually rule over Israel but rather embodies the mission and aspirations of his nation to the extent that he becomes a microcosm of the entire Jewish people and his personal identity is absorbed into Israel’s collective national identity.

Parshat D’varim – When Rabbis Err

Our sages warn us of the possibility that great Torah scholars can lead Israel away from serving HaShem.

Parshat Beshalach – The Low Soul

At various historic points, a 'low soul' has prevented the children of Israel from successfully advancing our national aspirations and collective mission.

Parshat Vayeishev: Circumventing the Evil Force

The light of redemption often shines in a distorted fashion in order to lull the Sitra Aḥra into passivity.

Parshat Tetzave: The Value of Self-Sacrifice

Upon a surface reading of the text, Aharon appears to have lacked the readiness for ultimate sacrifice.

Parshat Shemini – Clarifying Kedusah

Israel is to participate in - and elevate - every sphere of national life in order to reveal the inner connection of all that exists to the Divine Ideal.

The Rationalist Spies – Parshat Shlaḥ Lekha

The spies that led Israel to national catastrophe mistakenly thought that the value of preserving life overrides the commandment to free Eretz Yisrael.

The Value of Effective Communication – Parshat Ḥukat

Communicating the Jewish people's deepest aspirations can often serve to raise morale & strengthen Israel’s position on the battlefield.

The Secret of Bilaam’s Prophecy – Parshat Balak

While Moav & Midian championed a separation of 'religion' & state, Israel’s mission demands that spiritual ideals be materialized on a national level so that our Torah’s values be fully expressed on earth.

Equality – Parshat Koraḥ

Our equality doesn't result from being created identical but rather from the fact that we each have equally crucial functions and important roles to play as part of Israel's greater historic mission.

Parshat Tzav – Freeing Humanity from Edom

Israel has dramatically returned to the world stage in what has so far been merely the introduction to a revolutionary process destined to free humankind from a global order that promotes injustice.

Parshat Ekev – Difficult Mitzvot

When facing our enemies, it's often necessary to don a ruthlessness seemingly at odds with our inner nature. The 'hands of Esav' can sometimes be utilized to achieve the goals of 'Yaakov's voice.'

V’Zot HaBrakha – Am Segula

The Torah is not merely some disjointed ritual precepts but rather the Divine Ideal from before existence placed into this reality for the sake of elevating our world beyond its current limitations.

Parshat Vayeira: The Binding of Yitzchak

A deep understanding of events helps us appreciate how Avraham’s transgression provided the opportunity for him to ascend incredible heights through an unbelievable act of tshuva m'ahava.

Parshat V’et’hanan: The Power of Tefillah

As characters participating in one of history’s most incredible chapters, we focus our efforts on the specific challenges facing our generation.

Parshat Vayishlach – Avenging Dina at Shechem

The fundamental Hebrew tenet that there are values worth fighting for is what drove Shimon and Levi to restore honor to the house of Israel.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/parsha/am-segula/legacy-of-a-zealot-parshat-pinchas/2022/07/14/

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