We say in Selichos, “We are shaking and trembling from the day of Your coming”: To what day does this refer? The commentaries explain that it refers to Rosh Hashanah when Hashem comes close to us. Now we understand that when we hear the words “Rosh Hashanah is coming” it really means Hashem Himself is coming! Rav Yisroel Salanter understood this clearly. It is said that once during a Pesach seder Rav Yisroel fainted. As he was revived, those around him heard him muttering, “Oy…only six months until Rosh Hashanah!” (Sparks of Mussar, by Rav Zaitchek).
A famous mishnah in Pirkei Avos (4:21) tells us that this world is like a corridor to the banquet hall of the World to Come, and we must prepare ourselves in the corridor before we come to the King’s feast. May Hashem give us the ability to work on ourselves as we prepare for our meeting with our King.
L’Shana Tova Tikosayvu v’Sechasaymu!