Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Halacha prohibits causing pain to animals. There is a Talmudic discussion as to whether this prohibition stems from Torah or is Rabbinic in origin. (B.M. 32) The consensus of Poskim is צער בעלי חיים דאורייתא.

There are a number of suggestions as to the Biblical source. Indeed 2 of the Medieval giants derive it from Parshat Balak. Bilam is chastised, למה הכית את אתונך? (כב’:לב) “Why have you beaten your donkey?”


Rambam (M.N. 3:17) emphasizes that this Mitzvah trains us to refrain from cruelty. Sefer Chasidim (666) points out that Bilam’s demise, by sword, is connected to his threatening the donkey “לו יש חרב בידי, כי עתה הרגתיך”.

Causing pain to animals is wrong. How much more so not to be the cause of anguish to others.

Shabbat Shalom

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh