Expectation Of Redemption
Many of us have lost it because we don’t see the true value of it. What would having the Beit HaMikdash add to my life that I don’t have already?
Material And Spiritual In The Beit HaMikdash
Chazal say that the Menorah is a blessing of spirituality. It represents the light of the Torah.
A Tale of Two Donkeys
With this in mind, let us contrast two iconic figures in the Torah, both with donkey-related incidents.
The First Pesach Seder – Toldot
This is not the first Pesach Seder mentioned in the Torah; that was when the three angels visited Avraham and he instructed Sarah to make matzos.
Frog’s Bread
Our Sages say that the reason we whisper the above blessing in Hebrew is that we do not want to openly flaunt a blessing we “stole” from the angels.
The Two Faces Of G-d
We should try, to the best of our human ability, to grasp the essence of Hashem and emulate it.
Sacrifices and Banquets – Vayikra
If the sin originated with food, then its remedy and atonement must involve food. This is why Purim is so food oriented...
The Power Of Ketoret
Am Yisrael accused Moshe of murdering Korach and his followers by instructing them to offer a Ketoret offering outside the Mishkan, knowing full well what the consequences of such an action would be.
Picture It! – Parshat Vayikra
Forget about five-year-old kids; most adults are not overly attracted to Sefer Vayikra, with all its gore.
Speech And Action – Parshat Shemot
According to some opinions (Zohar, Va'eira 25b), Moshe was cured of his speech impediment, along with the rest of Am Yisrael who were cured of their ailments, before Matan Torah.
Pursuing Peace
The last time the Torah mentions Aharon actually saying anything of his own volition, is when Miriam speaks lashon hara against Moshe. Aharon’s words are a plea for Moshe to pray to G-d to heal their sister.
The Song Of The Land
It is clear that Yaakov knew that Yosef was alive and in Egypt. The only question that remains is – did he know that the brothers had sold Yosef into slavery?
The Origin Of The Bagel
Why the different types of matzah and their symbolism? Each had to be offered for a different reason.
Essence Of Chametz
On a chemical level, chametz is a conundrum. The existence of fermentation is not sufficient to define chametz.
How Tardiness Destroyed The Mikdash
Chava’s sin, born of frustration at her husband’s lack of diligence, was thinking she could create life without involving Adam or even Hashem.
Differential Enemies
An Egyptian whose ancestors committed genocide against our people may be accepted as a convert after three generations, but a Moabite and Amonite – who never gave us bread and water, they may never be accepted?
Fat And Kicking: Rosh Hashana, Ha’azinu
When Moshe uses this phrase to rebuke Am Yisrael in parshat Ha'azinu, he states this as a fact, not as a conditional statement...Moshe is saying – it is for sure going to happen!
An Unfortunate Chain Of Events
If you have been settled in Eretz Yisrael already for four or more generations and your farm is producing steadily, blessed by Divine abundance, you begin to take it for granted.
The Power Of One
The concept of the Twelve Tribes and mutual responsibility is a “collective” concept, in which the individual appears to be secondary, however the opposite is the case.
A Lot vs. Everything – Parshat Vayishlach
Our Sages say that if you want to understand the heart of a matter, you read the bottom line.
The Half-Full Cup – Chayei Sara
In this epic reunion, you have two multi-billionaires, each with a different life philosophy. Eisav’s is rav, a lot; Yaakov’s is kol, everything. How do they differ?
Shemini Atzeret – A Second Yom Kippur?
Just as the essence of Shavuot is completely different from the essence of Pesach, so too the essence of Shemini Atzeret is completely different from the essence of Sukkot.
Building The Mishkan: Plan A And Plan B – Parshat Vayakhel
The sefer Ohel Yehoshua explains that in fact Hashem had two distinct plans for building the Mishkan. The original plan preceded the sin of the Golden Calf, after which a Plan B went into effect as a result of the Am Yisrael’s sin.
Gateway To Prosperity – Parshat Miketz
Yosef was a living Shulchan Lechem HaPanim; through him Hashem channeled sustenance and prosperity to the entire world.
Fat And Kicking
Hashem wants us to visit Him every day, to have a loving daily connection with Him and to ask Him for what we need. A relationship that even when we have what we need, we continue to visit the palace.
A Peace Offering – Parshat Re’ei
Unlike all the other types of Korbanot that are offered to atone for a sin, the Shelamim is offered purely out of love for Hashem.
The Need To Knead
Although men are also obligated to do so, this mitzvah is primarily incumbent on women and they are given preference in performing it. Sarah was the first woman in history to perform this mitzvah.
A Handful Of Flour
During the seven years of plenty in Egypt and before the seven years of famine, the pasuk says that Yosef divided the land up into Kematzim, which Rashi explains as – stockpiling grains Kometz on Kometz, handful on handful.
Evil Personified
Why did G-d decide to bring a flood? Why not an earthquake, a tornado, a solar flare?
We all know the verse "Serve Hashem in joy" (Tehillim 100:2), which seems to indicate that there is a positive commandment to serve G-d in joy. However, if you search Sefer HaChinuch, which lists and discusses all 613 mitzvot, for this specific mitzvah, you will not find it.