Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Nedarim have a prominent role in the Torah. There is even a Masechta dedicated to the topic. Still, the consensus in Chaza”l, as is codified in Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 203) is that Nedarim are frowned upon, to the extent that one who takes them is called wicked, and a sinner. Even regarding Tzedaka, Shulchan Aruch recommends avoiding an actual neder. However, in times Tzara, when one is in dire straits, it is permissible to take a Neder. This is learned from Yaakov in this week’s Parsha:

וידר יעקב נדר לאמר…


The Midrash (Rabba 70) points out that not only did Yaakov accept a neder upon himself when he was in danger, but the word לאמר indicates that Yaakov instituted this practice for future generations. Hence, he is singled out in this regard:

אשר נשבע לה’ נדר לאביר יעקב (תהילים קלב)

This Midrash is quoted in Tosfot and codified in Shulchan Aruch (203:5)

Y’hi Ratzon that our עת צרה convert speedily to עת רצון.

Shabbat Shalom

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh