Redeeming Relevance: Praying Responsibly

The goal is not to have God do what we want, but rather to do what He wants and thereby sanctify Him in the world. Often, that is accomplished by praying, but sometimes it is better accomplished by not praying – we are to look to halacha to tell us which situation is which

Redeeming Relevance: One Law Fits All?

The notion that all men are created equal is a modern myth. The truth is that all men are created differently

Redeeming Relevance: The Wisdom of Withdrawal: Parshat Behaalotecha

If Moshe was the greatest man that ever lived, his silent partner Tzipporah deserves much of the credit for it.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Vayeshev: The Rhymes and Rhythms of Biblical History

How could Ya’akov make the same 'mistake' as his father, to favor one child over another after all the troubles that plagued him resulting from Yitzchak favoring Esav?

Redeeming Relevance: Pesach’s Missing Eighth Day

Appreciate that Pesach is NOT meant to end on the seventh day, but at Shavuot. With that in mind, we need to work harder to accept making the days of sefirat ha-omer into days akin to chol ha-moed

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Korach: The Dangers of Delusion

We assume we know as well as our leaders less because they have failed to prove themselves or have shown deficiencies than because of our attachment to seeing ourselves a certain way. And, as was true of Korach and his group, we do so to our detriment.

Redeeming Relevance: Mishpatim: What’s So Special About Parents?

By first putting parents before "self" we learn to put the more abstract God before self.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Korach: What to do When Our Decisions Bring Casualties

Many of the commentators find a disturbingly strong rationale in the Jews’ complaint mentioned above. The complainers were essentially blaming Moshe for setting up a murderous trap for the two hundred and fifty men that contested the choice of Aharon and his sons as priests.

Redeeming Relevance: Ki Tetzeh: Remember Not to Keep People Waiting

Since not saying lashon hara is easier said than done, here is something to help you: Just remember what happened to Miriam!”

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Balak: What You Don’t Know Won’t Hurt You?

How important are failed plans and plots, such that the Torah needs to mention any of them at all?

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Mishpatim: The Torah’s Superior Strategy for Brotherly Love

But the Torah was given to real people, for whom love of the outsider would not always be so obvious.

Redeeming Relevance: Moshe’s Command to Die

When we cannot fully understand God’s decision that accepting it shows our true allegiance to Him

Takes One to Know One

If we are constantly looking for the ideal, we may never find it, but if we start doing the possible, we may find that the ideal is just down the road

Redeeming Relevance in Parshat Korach

Korach demonstrates how "charisma" can lead to a breakdown in the legitimate forms of leadership

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Re’eh: How to See God in the World

Whether in its variation or in its norms, the world around us provides countless ways to see God. But that will only happen to someone who is looking for them. In other words if we really want to see God, we must also seek God.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Vayishlach: The Torah’s Mother

In one of the most mysterious verses in the Torah (Bereshit 35:8), we read about the death of Devorah the nursemaid, a character so minor that we have never really heard of her before

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Ki Tavo: Amalek, Bikkurim and Ma’aser

Many commentators sense a significance to the placement of the bikkurim declaration, at the beginning of this week’s pasha, right after the injunction to destroy Amalek. What is the connection?

Redeeming Relevance in the Weekly Parsha: Vayishlach

By the time Yaakov becomes Yisrael, however, his worldview has changed dramatically.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Toldot: The Uncertainty of Parenthood

On the one hand, we see that Rivkah was right about Ya’akov’s potential. On the other hand, we will never be sure who was right about Esav.

Redeeming Relevance in the Weekly Parsha: Beshalach

Leading by example must be visible, regarding where, when and how-like Nachshon entering the Red Sea

Redeeming Relevance on the Weekly Parsha: Chaye Sarah

At the beginning of this week's parsha, Rashi informs us that Sarah's death was no accident, but rather a result of hearing about Avraham...

Follow the Leader: The Legacy of Nachshon Ben-Aminadav

Leading by example must be calculatedly visible, not only from a point of view of where it is done, but even when and how it is done. Doing something privately is not an act of leadership.

Listening to Others so God Will Listen to Us

Though many of us remain focused on Israel’s current war, the more general polarization in Israeli society and throughout much of the world that preceded it and continues to serve as its backdrop should be an even greater concern.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Devarim: The Torah’s Insistence that Uganda be for the Ugandans

As the Jewish nation and the Jewish state become more powerful, we have a greater responsibility to contribute more resources to developing nations. It would be a Kiddush HaShem.

Redeeming Relevance: Moshe’s Speech to Jews Living Today

While Moshe saw all the Jews as one whole, it was the ones in front of him who served as the representatives for all those who had lived and would live in the future.

The Good Midianite

Throughout history, the Jews have not had many friends Faced with a hostile world, when they came across a truly righteous gentile, it was a...

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Vayetzeh: Catch the Bull by the Horns… or get Gored

Like Rivkah before them, neither Rachel nor Leah created the situation that was about to have extraordinary influence on the rest of their lives and, ultimately, on the lives of countless others

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Mishpatim: An Eye for an Eye and the Best of All...

The traditional understanding – that the Torah is referring to the monetary value of an eye – is not without its difficulties either


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