Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

On Friday night the Chazan dramatically chants: ארבעים שנה אקוט בדור…אשר זשבעתי באפי אם יבואון אל מנוחתי

For 40 years Hashem quarreled with the wayward generation, and swore, in His wrath that they will not enter His place of rest. Is this the best way to commence every Shabbos?


The Jews of that generation were condemned to die in the desert. There is a debate as to whether they would be admitted to Olam Haba or not. R Akiva maintains that “במדבר הזה ותמו ושם ימותו” connotes a double punishment, which was emphasized with אשר נשבעתי באפי ….”

Rabbi Eliezer retorts that the oath taken “B’api”, in anger, was subject to annulment. Hashem forgave the generation and welcomed them to Olam Haba (Sanhedrin 1110b). The Gemara (BB 73b, see Tosfot) holds like this opinion.

Shabbos is מעין עולם הבא. As Shabbos begins, we underscore that no matter what transpired during the week, there is room for Teshuva.

Shabbat Shalom.

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh