Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Over 1,000 resolutions were sent to me within a day of me forwarding the request made by Shira, the mother of Rina Schnerb, Hy”d, who was murdered in a terror attack last Friday.

Shira told us that her daughter was preoccupied recently with “smart” phones, which make us dumb. She asked that anyone who would like to do something l’iluy nishmas Rina should start in this area and tell her about their initiative.


And so, many parents have shared that during the evening hours they stayed away from their phone and focused on their children. They also wrote in their personal status that they are simply not available right now.

Teens left many WhatsApp groups or even closed them altogether. A whole class of Bnei Akiva kids decided to start using “dumb” phones, and a few families made a cellular box – a predefined place in which to put away their device when they come home.

Beyond all these acts, I was surprised by the main reaction which was along the lines of: “Wow, I so wanted to do something like this, but Rina’s mother gave me the last push.” That is, mostly, we know well what we want and need to do; we only find it hard to act on it.

Next Shabbat, the month of Elul will begin, launching the “Days of Favor.” Our Sages explain that this time of year is special, during which it’s easier for us to find out what our real desire is and to actualize it.

This is the time to begin.

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Sivan Rahav-Meir is a primetime news anchor with weekly broadcasts on television and radio. Her “Daily Thought” has a huge following on social media, with hundreds of thousands of followers, translated into 17 languages. She has a weekly podcast on Tablet, called "Sivan Says" and has published several books in English. Sivan was recognized by Globes newspaper as Israel’s most popular female media figure and by the Jerusalem Post as one of the 50 most influential Jews worldwide. She lives in Jerusalem with her husband Yedidya and their five children.