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In Devarim, Moses gives a grand speech that at first glance seems like a boring history lesson with the least inspiring stories! But underneath Moses’ words is an unbelievable message that the nation of Israel needed to hear right before they entered the land. What we come to find is that the messages of Moses speech are still applicable and inspiring to us, today. Join us as we try to tackle the mystery of Moses’ speech.


This video is from Immanuel Shalev
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For more on Devarim, see Devarim 5775 ( and Devarim 5774 (

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Immanuel Shalev is the CEO of Aleph Beta, dedicated to creating intellectually rigorous and emotionally engaging Torah content. He is also the host of Aleph Beta Quarantined, a new podcast about Jewish Life in Quarantine. Previously, Immanuel served as a singer and Director of the world-famous Maccabeats,