Joseph gave instructions to prepare a meal for his (still unknowing) brothers with the words: וטבח טבח והכן (מז:טז). The Midrashim associate this with the Shabbos meal.
The last letter of טבח along with the letters of והכן can be rearranged to spell “Chanuka”. The sefer “Mateh Moshe” sees this as a hint for seuda on Chanuka.
We usually read Miketz on Chanuka, but this year Chanuka ends just as Shabbos Miketz begins. The seuda of Shabbat requires preparation, as emphasized with והכינו את אשר יביאו regarding the Manna (Shmot 16:5).
In fact, this year our Shabbos preparations are taking place on Chanuka itself. This is so appropriate. During Chanuka we recite the phrase ולהעבירם מחוקי רצוניך many times in “Al Hanisim”. Interestingly as Shabbos ends, we have the same thing ותלמדינו לעשות בהם חוקי רצוניך.
The Pri Tzaddik points out that in fact, the 3 decrees of the Yevanim, Chodesh, Shabbos, and Milah, which distinguish the Jewish people, are hinted at in אתה חוננתנו.
“Bein Ohr L’choshech” corresponds to Chodesh. Bein Yisrael l’amim reminds us of Milah, which identifies us, while “Bein Yom Hash’vi’I”…is obvious.
May the light of Chanuka illuminate and enhance our Shabbos, and usher in יום שכולו שבת.
Shabbat Shalom