Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

The first mitzvah that Hakadosh Baruch Hu commanded us as a nation was “hachodesh hazeh lachem rosh chodoshim’ – the mitzvah to sanctify the New Moon. Each month, we make note of this in the bracha known as Kiddush Levana – a special bracha said while the moon is waxing, in its growth. We say in Kiddush Levana, found in this week’s daf hayomi: “If the Jewish people had not been privileged to greet the countenance of their Father in Heaven except for once a month – it would have sufficed them”.

We may wonder how the bracha of kiddush levana relates to Kabalas Pnei HaShechina, greeting the countenance of the Divine Presence. We can relate to Kabalas Pnei HaShechina in the Beis Hamikdash, perhaps in shul, but how are we accomplishing this by standing outside and making a bracha on the moon?


What is the connection?

The Meiri explains that the bracha of kiddush levana causes us to contemplate Hashem’s creation, thus recognizing Him.

Rabenu Yona (at the end of the fourth perek of Masseches Brachos) explains that we are unable to see Hakadosh Baruch Hu, however we can get a glimpse of Him through His mighty deeds. This is an opportunity for us to experience and connect with Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Yeshayahu says: “Indeed you are a G-d Who conceals Himself, the G-d of Israel is the Savior” (45:15). Hakadosh Baruch Hu does not reveal Himself for every single person on every single day. The prophet is telling us although He conceals Himself, He performs so many miracles for us and continues to care for us. The renewal of the months, one of Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s many acts, enables us to feel Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s presence. This is Rabenu Yona’s understanding of kabbalas pnei HaShechina.

The Maharsha on the Gemara in Sanhedrin offers the following explanation: while in the current galus it is very difficult to experience the Shechina. We hope and pray and look forward to the geulah but it often seems remote. We are taught that Bnei Yisrael are compared to the moon, while the other nations are compared to the sun. The sun remains constant, while the moon grows bigger and smaller, known as waxing and waning. We therefore make a bracha on the renewal of the moon and not of the sun. The moon represents Klal Yisrael – there were fifteen generations until Shlomo Hamelech and then fifteen generations where we went down, culminating in the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. The Maharsha explains that the renewal of the moon is a sign for us that things are getting better and the geulah is approaching.

While these explanations differ, they each offer an important message for us today. According to Rabenu Yona it is a way to discern and experience His presence. Although He is hidden, He is present. According to the Maharsha, it shows us that despite all the suffering, with Hashem’s help, we will soon merit the ultimate redemption when we will all be able to shout out in unison: David Melech Yisrael chai vekayam.

Shabbat Shalom

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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh