Parshat Ki Tetzei, dealing with going out to war, follows the phrase ‘כי תעשה הישר בעיני ה the proper and good actions in the eyes of Hashem.
Ba’al Haturim points out that this juxtaposition emphasizes that only Tzadikim are meant to go to battle. This is in line with Rabbi Yosi Haglili’s explanation of הירא ורך הלבב exempting soldiers who are fearful that their sins will do them in (Sota 44a).
Furthermore soldiers are commanded not to fear powerful enemies as Hashem accompanies the Jewish army (Devarim 20:3,4). One must certainly be righteous to receive such a high level of Bitachon.
Today is 10th of Elul. Yom Kippur is but a month away. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 429) quotes the Gemora that one must prepare for Passover 30 days in advance. There is a discussion regarding other holidays.
I saw it in a luach that one should start learning the laws of teshuva from today, anticipating yet Yom kippur. Sounds like a great idea.
Ba’alei Hamusar, based on midrashim, darshan that the battle our Parsha includes each and every person’s battling his personal Yetzer Hara. May we be successful in repenting and conquering evil inclination.
May that server as a merit for the holy soldiers who are literally battling our enemies.
Shabbat shalom